Petition | Justice for Honey, Yorkshire Terrier tortured to death |

Honey The Yorkie torture by Dustin Harrell

Dustin tortured his family Yorkshire Terrier, Honey, for several hours before she died.  He has admitted to throwing the dog down the stairs, held  her head underwater multiple times and them put her in the clothes dryer and spun her for 4 minutes while he searched the internet for “dog in dryer.”  He also admits to throwing her on the ground, breaking her leg, placed an Icy Hot sleeve on her fractured limb and then wrapped her snout in tape to keep her from crying.

1 thought on “Petition | Justice for Honey, Yorkshire Terrier tortured to death |”

  1. What was the outcome of the trial of this monster? My wife and I have adopted 5 older rescue Yorks and have a young one now. These are the sweetest and most gentle of animals. I cried when I first heard of this…and still do so when I think about it. Was justice served? God bless you and all those that love animals, but especially Yorkies Ed Kosky

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