Tieesha Cogdell

Sox was discovered in Dec. 2011, after Cogdell’s children informed a school employee that their mom was letting a dog die in the bathroom. The tip led SPCA investigators to Cogdell’s home where they found Sox with a rubberband so tightly wrapped around his snout that it had not only grown into his flesh, but it was interfering with his breathing. Cogdell claimed that she did not notice the band around Sox’s snout. Tieesha Cogdell let a puppy suffer with a rubberband around his nose for weeks


The Pinellas County, Fla., woman who is accused of letting a puppy suffer with a rubber band around his nose for weeks, has been found guilty and sentenced for her crime.

According to Wednesday’s WTSP News, Tieesha Cogdell was sentenced to six months in jail and is now prohibited from owning dogs for the remainder of her life. The puppy at the center of the cruelty trial is “Sox,” a Yorkshire terrier-poodle mix.

Sox was discovered in Dec. 2011, after Cogdell’s children informed a school employee that their mom was letting a dog die in the bathroom.

The tip led SPCA investigators to Cogdell’s home where they found Sox with a rubberband so tightly wrapped around his snout that it had not only grown into his flesh, but it was interfering with his breathing.

Cogdell claimed that she did not notice the band around Sox’s snout.

Sox   e2895675ee12a6570c128e1499ba96f1    a5b99a4ba85577246bb0ba22cac16b6b

Tieesha cogdell did this
Tieesha cogdell did this to Sox
The 32-year-old woman’s lawyer, Vincent Massaro [who is also a piece of shit], argued that his client was not guilty of criminal activity, stating that she was instead, an “imperfect pet owner.”   He went on to state: “He might not have been ready for the Westminster Dog  Show,” “but that’s not animal cruelty.” The jury, who deliberated just 20 minutes, did not agree. Cogdell spoke after the guilty verdict, stating: “I don’t think I did anything wrong,”In addition to Cogdell’s jail time, she will have to pay restitution to the Tampa Bay SPCA who cared for Sox while he recovered.

The puppy has since been adopted to a new family.

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Tieesha Cogdell

In my opinion this idiots children should be taken away from her.

  • https://www.facebook.com/petpardons/posts/374475759238022
  • http://www.abcactionnews.com/dpp/news/region_north_pinellas/largo/investigators-found-sox-with-a-rubber-band-around-his-muzzle-clamping-his-mouth-shut
  • http://www.myspace.com/missphillypa
  • Birth Date : 11-14-1979
  • Weight : 140 lbs
  • 12000 PO Box
  • Birth Place : NJ
  • Zip : 33733
  • Po Box 12086
  • She attended CAMDEN HIGH SCHOOL
  • http://www.pet-abuse.com/cases/19008/FL/US/


  • Lashinda Cogdell
  • Wendy Cogdell
  • Judy Cogdell
  • Gregory Cogdell
  • Current or previous address:
  • 1260 Palmetto St
    Clearwater, FL  33755  
  • 604 Alden Ave  
    Clearwater, FL 33755 
  •   (727) 557-8008 

Other Cities she has lived in:

  • Saint Petersburg, FL
  • Clearwater, FL
  • Camden, NJ

3 thoughts on “Tieesha Cogdell”

  1. This cow knew exactly what she was doing,so glad her children did care enough to tell someone.If people like her do not want to treat a dog or any animal right either do not get any or give to someone else who will care for it..properly…suppose she though that was the easy way to get rid is to starve to death the pup..she should suffer same fate round her face or be tattoed with the mark of a animal torturer..

  2. Kathleen Donnafield

    I am sure the children were warned to keep their mouths shut but children are inherently kind and loving (they just learn over time to be bad people). These children did the right thing and this precious pooch survived an absolutely horrific, nearly deadly ordeal. Thank you to the children, thank you to the rescue, thank you to the courts, thank you to the great family who adopted this baby! May this woman receive her full due sooner rather than later!

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