St. Louis animal cruelty task force seeks clues in abandoned Dalmatian case


ST. LOUIS • The Humane Society of Missouri’s animal cruelty task force is seeking answers to why someone abandoned an injured female Dalmatian mix at the society’s headquarters on Saturday.

The 2-year-old dog, named Pepper by humane society staff, was dropped off early Saturday morning suffering from severe injuries to her rear legs. Her rear legs were gangrenous, and Pepper had chewed off her right rear paw because of what the humane society says is a dog’s instinct to remove dying tissue.


A necropsy indicated Pepper’s injuries had gone untreated for weeks.

Veterinarians euthanized Pepper because her injuries were too severe, the humane society said. Pepper’s rear leg muscles had atrophied and bruising on her knees indicated she had been dragging her legs.

The humane society is asking anyone with information about the dog’s injuries to call 314-647-4400.

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