5:19pm Thursday 20th March 2014
By Miranda Newey
THESE shocking pictures show a dog that was so badly starved she had to be put down.
Fly, a female lurcher, was said in Bolton Magistrates Court today to be the one of the worst cases ever seen by an experienced vet.
Dog owner David Lowe, aged 33, of Trentham Avenue, Farnworth, was found guilty in his absence of a catalogue of animal cruelty charges.
The dog could have been “easily treated” if help had been sought earlier, the court heard, but she was put down after being found in a “severely emaciated condition”.
Tony Stock, prosecuting, said: “Angus McKenzie, a vet with more than 30 years’ experience, said this was one of the most severely emaciated dogs — dead or alive — he had seen in 30 years.
“The dog weighed 8.1kg — less than half its ideal weight — and scored zero in a body condition scale where one is emaciated and five is grossly obese.”
The 15-year-old dog was found at Lowe’s former home in Egerton Street, Farnworth, on October 20 last year.
It had discharge coming from a sinus just below its eye, an abscess in its mouth, overgrown nails and had severe and advanced dental disease.
A vet also discovered it had a mammary tumour and it was diabetic.
The court heard that Lowe had been given £20 to take his dog to the vets but he failed to do so because he feared it would be put down.
He was convicted in his absence last month of five counts of causing unnecessary suffering to a protected animal between October 6 and October 20 last year.
Adam Whittaker, defending, said Lowe had been homeless for four years and his ex-partner was caring for the dog until returning it to him last year.
Lowe was said to suffer from post traumatic stress disorder following an explosion in Raikes Lane, Burnden.
Mr Whittaker said Lowe was “highly vulnerable”.
Magistrates decided to adjourn sentencing until April 16 to allow a report to be prepared.
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an insult to use the this argument (‘Lowe was said to suffer from post traumatic stress disorder following an explosion in Raikes Lane, Burnden’) when there are people who really do suffer disorder!
Then he shouldn’t have a dog in the first place.
He should be starved to death, very very very slowly.I have depression but I feed my cats. Too fucking bad, -see you in hell
Reblogged this on Sherlockian's Blog and commented:
Unbelievable torture of a living being.
in my legal opinion this animal killer should be in jail for 10 years
Please would you sign my petition about this case: http://www.thepetitionsite.com/989/939/681/justice-for-fly-left-to-starve-to-a-skeleton-by-owner-david-lowe/
and get everyone you know to sign it too.
Many thanks – Mel
Lowe should eiher be put down or starved to death – he is a monster and should have been jailed for a very long time.
What happened to this idiot???
Hi Wayne – Lowe failed to turn up in court (again), so sentencing was postponed until 21 May. I plan to re-send the petition to the court tonight, so if you know anyone who would like to sign the petition (http://www.thepetitionsite.com/989/939/681/justice-for-fly-left-to-starve-to-a-skeleton-by-owner-david-lowe/) please do pass it on. Cheers – Mel
Why was the dog put down. Atleast he should have been given a last chance to live a healthy and happy life after the treatment.
They weren’t able to save her! Did you read the article at all?
What a horrifying, and heartbreaking case of severe animal neglect causing death. The owner sounds as though he is not “able” to care for himself let alone an elderly dog… from what I read he was “homeless” for 4 years, has mental health issues from PTSD, and had a friend watching his dog for some time for him also. The dog was in ill health with a list of problems, the vet said that she (Fly) could’ve been treated & survived. Here’s where things get murky, according to news story, Dave Lowe apparently was given money to take the ill dog in but did not take Fly to the Vet as he was afraid that she would be “put down”?? Either he is a seriously mental person or else he is a Monster that needs serious help & must never ever be allowed to own “any” pets ever!!!
There is a serious problem here. No matter what state of mind or state of light that_ _ _ _ _ _ is or was in there are avenues for help. There is no excuse……. we dont do that. we have not right to do that. Compassion is what it boils down too.
Just Starve THIS moron to death as well
this scum needs to be hung by his balls……instead of white trash this is black tra?h……scum on the bottom of my shoe. I’d spit right in his face…….karma is a bitch. He will get his…..
If you had no money for your dog how can you watch him starve? You had many changes to bring him in an animal shelter way before it got this severe!! I have mental illness myself and know I’m not always on top of keeping up with things, but never would I starve any of my pets. You should get the same punishment of what this poor dog has gone through.
oops I meant…chances to bring him to an animal shelter…
If he felt he couldn’t care for her then he should have given her to someone who would take proper care of her. And even check on her sometimes if he even cared at all. This is so heartbreaking.
I thought they passed a law to protect animals from ppl like this! it’s a felony, he needs to go to jail!!!! What does the judge need to investigate, it’s enough to have to see theses pictures of this poor dog! He had know problem feeding himself so ridiculously
What a piece of shit this guy is. There is no excuse. He should be put in prison for as long as the law allows. Can’t believe the judge thought this was fair!