•Having an exaggerated sense of self-importance
•Expecting to be recognized as superior even without achievements that warrant it
•Exaggerating your achievements and talents
•Being preoccupied with fantasies about success, power, brilliance, beauty or the perfect mate
•Believing that you are superior and can only be understood by or associate with equally special people
•Requiring constant admiration
•Having a sense of entitlement
•Expecting special favors and unquestioning compliance with your expectations
•Taking advantage of others to get what you want
•Having an inability or unwillingness to recognize the needs and feelings of others
•Being envious of others and believing others envy you
•Behaving in an arrogant or haughty manner
Serial Killer and Hunter Traits
Almost all serial killers – in fact, 99% of them – admitted that they started by acting out their violent fantasies on animals before graduating to human beings. Due to the dysfunctional families most serial killers come from, such pathological and abnormal behavior may be ignored or completely missed – as in the case of Jeffrey Dahmer, whose father was unperturbed by the fact that his son was dissecting animals. These acts of animal cruelty are a great source of pleasure to young killers, and they manage to perfect the art completely – later performing the same acts on their human victims.
While looking into the softest, large brown eyes fringed with thick lashes
anyone has ever seen to shoot an utterly defenseless and benign and
graceful being who is vegan, who never would harm another soul for any reason, what kind of cruel person does this take ?
She is definitely a serial killer! Please when creating petitions, use causes.com, change.org or yousign.com Most activists have user id’s on these websites. Thank you.
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Where does she live?Pamphlet the area around her home and publicly expose and shame this vile female.
she lives in Texas and she is a local Celebrity famous for killing