Linda J Levac is a Monster

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Linda J. Levac of 817 Winchester Dr. Burlingame, CA 94010-2634, (650) 579-5891

Slammed a dog to the ground and beat him after yanking him up in the air by his collar.

In August 26, 2015 in Burlingame, California, a woman by the name if Linda Levac, who, was running a dog boarding business out of her home, was caught violently beating up a dog she was caring for. A neighbor of the woman who happened to be out on his porch, filmed the entire thing on his cell phone camera and immediately contacted the police. What ensued in the channels of the legal system, elicited outrage from the community because the woman was only charged with a misdemeanor.


There are videos from multiple dates of her abusing dogs that people trusted her to care for.

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