Kalob Jennings Hubbard, 18, of Stonewall Lane, Tobaccoville, and Jared Raymond Rose, 17, of Glenwood Lane, King
Three teenagers face animal cruelty charges after investigators with the Forsyth County Sheriff’s Office were alerted to a video posted on a social media site of an opossum being burned alive.
Kalob Jennings Hubbard, 18, of Stonewall Lane, Tobaccoville, and Jared Raymond Rose, 17, of Glenwood Lane, King, were arrested Sunday and charged with felony animal cruelty. They were placed in the Forsyth County Detention Center with bonds set at $10,000. They are scheduled to appear in court Jan. 23.
What do you think about the three teens being charged with burning a possum to death?
A juvenile petition also has been submitted for a 15-year-old male in connection with the crime.
Chief Deputy Brad Stanley of the Forsyth County Sheriff’s Office said investigators received a tip last month about a video posted on Instagram where people captured, burned alive and killed a wild opossum.
The incident occurred in late October or early November, according to warrants. Stanley said it happened in Tobaccoville.
He said the video shows a person holding the possum down with a foot while another pours accelerant on the animal. According to warrants, Rose stood on the animal’s head and Hubbard doused it with gasoline.
The video shows the animal being lit on fire and then it runs out of camera range, Stanley said. The video also shows people trying to put out the fire after the running possum sets leaves and brush on fire.
The video has since been removed from Instagram, Stanley said, but the sheriff’s office has a copy of it.
“We most likely would not have known about this if someone in the public had not come forward,” Stanley said.
Stanley said the investigation is ongoing and the sheriff’s office is bringing in officers with the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission to help.
Hubbard and Rose could serve 6-8 months if convicted, according to North Carolina’s structured sentencing laws.
Anyone with additional information is asked to contact the sheriff’s office at 336-727-2112 or Crimestoppers at 336-727-2800.
(336) 727-7204
What do you think about the three teens being charged with burning an opossum to death?
The Following is an LA Times article to show what gentle, shy creatures Opossums are:
Opossums: your garden’s evening clean-up crew
Yes, these backyard visitors can be a little scary-looking. But they’re gentle creatures and will keep your yard free of snails and fallen fruit.
Can you blame them? Opossums, after all, do look like bloated rats — the scruffy fur, the flinty eyes, the bizarre little feet and long, scaly tail. And that’s their good side. Threaten one of them, and it will bare its teeth, hiss and drool.But as disgusting as the animals may appear, they actually do quite lovely work in the garden. Opossums are nature’s clean-up crew, working the graveyard shift. Like little dust busters, they cruise the landscape, round ears tilted like satellite dishes, fleshy pink snoots to the ground. They feast on snails and slugs, perhaps even a cockroach or two.Gardeners may blame opossums for the messes and mischief made by rambunctious raccoons, skunks and squirrels rooting out insect grubs, but the reality is that opossums don’t dig. They can’t. The soft pink skin on their paws is too delicate for such manual labor; their weak nails are built for tree-climbing.
Though opossums are excellent at scaling trunks, they rarely sample the fruit above. Instead, they might salvage a fallen peach or munch avocados knocked down by squirrels. Opossums prefer their produce at ground level and well rotted — all the easier to sniff out as they forage the night garden.
The animals are effective scavengers, says Jim Dines, collections manager of mammalogy at the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County. It may not help their image problem, but opossums do eat the really gross stuff too: stinky carrion that other wildlife simply won’t consider. Lest you get too disgusted, just remember that this is the detritus that no gardener wants to handle, even with gloved hands.
IF opossums are so docile, harmless and downright helpful, then why are so many people — even sensitive gardeners who have designed their landscapes to attract wildlife — so intensely repulsed by this animal?
The average person thinks they’re so ugly, they’re scary, says Simon of the Urban Wildlife Program. Most calls coming into the hotline that she runs are fear-based.
“People think the animals must be rabid,” she says.
In truth, Simon and other experts say, the opossum is one of the gentlest animals out there. When it senses danger, it usually just freezes, motionless, and waits for the hazard to pass.
When threatened, the animal can look awfully mean, but it’s all a big show. Opossums don’t run or bite well. They’re not very coordinated and, in Simon’s words, they’re not the most intellectual of creatures.
If the baring-teeth-and-hissing drama doesn’t work, they feign death by entering a temporary coma. This strategy doesn’t fool dogs and other large predators, according to Mary Cummins, a Los Angeles-based licensed wildlife rehabilitator and educator. She takes in 600 injured or orphaned opossums each year.
The rabies fear is unfounded because the disease is rarely found in opossums, says Catherine Conlon, a veterinarian and rabies specialist formerly with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and recently named director of the rabies lab at Kansas State University.
This apparent resistance to rabies may be attributed to the opossum’s low body temperature, which prevents buildup of the rabies virus. That same low body temperature may allow opossums to eat horribly decayed food without getting sick.
Rabies may not be an issue, but opossums do harbor parasites, including fleas, and they can host a bacterial disease called leptospirosis that can be transmitted to humans. That’s why it’s not smart to touch a wild opossum or keep one as a pet. Says Dines, “It’s not an animal you’d want to play with.”
THE species that calls Southern California home is actually the Virginia opossum (Didelphis virginiana), the only marsupial living in the wilds of North America. As with the kangaroo, koala and other marsupials, the female opossum nurtures her undeveloped pups in a pouch. (“Possums,” for the record, are distant relatives found only in Australia.)
The Virginia opossum is native to the Southeast, where it is still common. It emigrated west, Dines says, most likely with the help of humans, who carried the animals as curiosities or pets. The first opossum was trapped and recorded in Los Angeles County in 1906. Today, they populate wide-ranging habitats from Baja California to British Columbia.
Life in the city is grueling for the opossum. Mortality is high, and few live to their first birthday. Dogs and cars are the biggest threats. Garden pesticides, especially snail baits, also put the opossum at risk.
What to do if you see one in your yard? The opossum’s defenders will suggest that you enjoy it — perhaps smile at its prehensile tail, or note how the rear feet have evolved with nifty opposable thumbs. Admire its adaptability, then let it proceed with the good work it came to do.
How to help the injured
If you find an injured or orphaned opossum, get help immediately. The website of the Opossum Society of the United States (www.opossumsocietyus.org) maintains a list of trained, licensed wildlife rehabilitators. The site also provides interesting background information on the animal.
— Lili Singer
*on a personal note
this is the Opossum that came to live with me: https://plus.google.com/photos/+AlafairRobicheaux/albums/5915855228006900337
TalluahJeanPossum-2006 Talluah was a non releasable opossum; her mother was killed and her and her sister will ill. By the time they were rehabilitated they were too tame to be released back to the wild; her sister went to an educationial program called “Inside the Outdoors” and Tallulah came to live with me and my son. she brought so much joy to our lives the 3 short years we had her. An opossum’s life span is only 3 years.
6- 8 months is nowhere enough punishment. People like these should be taken out of society for life. I always find it so unbelievable how proud they are of their actions..So many of these vicious, despicable creatures post their deeds on social networking sites – why is that! They should be ashamed of their actions and frightened of the consequences – not brag about them and laugh in the face of the, obviously inadequate, law. If I were the judge, they would certainly get life and the parents would be standing in the dock with them. They should be forced to take responsibility for their offspring’s abhorrent behaviour. My heart goes out to that poor little animal, and all the others monsters like this harm..
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Only MONSTERS would do something like this. 6 to 8 months isn’t enough time in jail. They should spend YEARS behind bars, and be kept under surveillance because there will be other victims in the future once these sociopaths are let out.
Agree Sharon
Put yourself in the poor animals shoes…6-8mths is no where long enough…we need to start taking the protection and treatment of animals seriously…minimum of 3yrs…
I would opt for death penalty but don’t think they would go for that 🙂