
Opinionated, Cynical and Sensitive!

Steven Sadler and Boots Stanley from Hamburg Arkansas SLIT A DOG’S THROAT FOR FUN

Boots Stanley and friend Steven Sadler can be seen harassing a Pit Bull type dog. One of the men put the dog on the back of a horse and attempt to ride over some obstacles, with the dog clinging to the back of the horse, a rope tied around its neck holding it tightly onto the saddle horn. The next scene shows Steven Sadler holding the dog on the ground and then repeatedly slitting its throat with a knife.

Steven Sadler and Boots Stanley from Hamburg Arkansas SLIT A DOG’S THROAT FOR FUN Read More »

Screven County Authorities Seeking Id of Man Who Violently Abused & Dumped Small Dog

THEY DON’T STOP AT ANIMALS, YOUR CHILD IS NEXT!!!! ****Anyone who might know the identification of the abuser is asked to please contact the Screven County Sheriff’s Office at 912-564-2013*** Description of Monster: Witness reported that the MONSTER was a black male, possibly wearing an orange shirt. driving a White Chevrolet Silverado with scratches on it.

Screven County Authorities Seeking Id of Man Who Violently Abused & Dumped Small Dog Read More »