
Robert Mullen Exploits Starves Tigers and Other Animals For Profit with History of Cruelty

EXPOSING Robert and Christy Mullen. PM Productions Entertainment, Inc is owned and operated by husband and wife. Robert has been producing exploitative animal shows since 1990.  He is nationally known for producing cruel and exploitive animal shows that humiliate the animals by combining both theatrical elements pretending to be teaching environmental education. He was the exclusive exploiter for Phoenix Magic and toured […]

Robert Mullen Exploits Starves Tigers and Other Animals For Profit with History of Cruelty Read More »

Walter Palmer Murdered Cecil the Lion with a Bow and Arrow then Decapitated and Skinned Him

Walter Palmer paid $50,000 to hunt and kill Cecil with a bow and arrow. After luring Cecil outside the boundaries of the protected reserve using a dead animal as bait. Palmer shot Cecil with a bow and arrow but this shot didn’t kill him,ikikkñluk “They tracked him down and found him 40 hours later when

Walter Palmer Murdered Cecil the Lion with a Bow and Arrow then Decapitated and Skinned Him Read More »