Chloe Richards, Gemma Hopkins, Daniella Riches throw kittens against the wall while laughing

Filmed themselves throwing a kitten around a room and swinging it by its tail 
One of these monsters apparently thinks she can be an Instageam fashion and beauty blogger; well i don’t think so as soon as her readers find out what sort of person she is so here is her Instagram Page:

CHLOE | RICHARDS  Kent ???????? ??Fashion & Beauty blogger. ??Owner of @guiltylittlebeauty lashes ???? ??Email or DM for collaboration enquiries ????

[At the bottom of this page is all the girls information]
 UPDATE: Chloe has a new twitter – trying to hide:

How did she survive? RSPCA condemn laughing teen girls who hurled kitten across bedroom on sickening Facebook video



  • RSPCA said the eight-week-old kitten was lucky to survive
  • The girls, aged 15 and 16, can be seen swinging the female kitten by its tail
  • She appears to be knocked unconscious after hitting the ceiling
  • The pair were fined £85 after their footage was spotted on Facebook
  • Kitten has since been re-homed with a new and loving family

Sick teenagers who filmed themselves throwing a kitten around a room and swinging it by its tail were caught after posting their video on Facebook.

Two girls, aged 15 and 16, can be seen violently flinging the eight-week-old animal at each other and laughing hysterically in a bedroom at one of their homes on the Isle of Sheppey, Kent.

The callous teenagers were fined £85, given a nine-month referral order and disqualified from keeping animals for a year after admitting causing unnecessary suffering to a kitten at Maidstone Youth Court.

Daniella Riches, Gema Hopkins and Chloe Richards


Callous: The two girls, aged 15 and 16, throw the tortoiseshell kitten back and forth, cackling hysterically as they swing the defenceless creature by its legs and tailCallous: The two girls, aged 15 and 16, throw the tortoiseshell kitten back and forth, cackling hysterically as they swing the defenseless creature by its legs and tail

Cruel: The teenagers posted the 36-second clip of them abusing the distressed animal on Facebook

Cruel: The teenagers posted the 36-second clip of them abusing the distressed animal on Facebook

Vicious: The eight-week-old cat at one point appears to be knocked unconscious after smashing into the ceiling

Vicious: The eight-week-old cat at one point appears to be knocked unconscious after smashing into the ceiling

They can be heard giggling uncontrollably during the disturbing 36-second clip, in which the kitten appears to be knocked unconscious after hitting the ceiling.

The girls still do not stop, however, and violently throw the pet across the room two more times in the clip, which they posted on Facebook.

RSPCA chief inspector Steve Dockery said: ‘This was shocking footage of young girls violently throwing an eight-week-old kitten around.

‘The girls’ commentary on the video shows that they found their actions to be hilariously funny, which is worrying.

‘The abuse of a young animal purely for entertainment cannot be tolerated and posting it on a social networking site sends out a message that animal cruelty is acceptable.

Teenager catch

New life: The RSPCA said the kitten was lucky to survive her ordeal and has since been re-homed

Caught on camera: The girls were fined £85, sentenced to a nine-month referral order and disqualified from keeping animals for a year

Caught on camera: The girls were fined £85, sentenced to a nine-month referral order and disqualified from keeping animals for a year

Holding kitten by tail
Holding her by legs

‘Worrying’: The RSPCA said the fact the girls posted the ‘shocking’ video online as entertainment sends out a message that animal cruelty is acceptable

‘The kitten was lucky to survive her ordeal and has since been re-homed with a new and loving family.’

The teenagers, who must also pay £85 each in court costs, were caught after a member of the public spotted their video on Facebook and reported it to the police.

A vet who examined the kitten after her ordeal in August said she would have suffered massive distress and it was a miracle she had not sustained severe physical injuries.

A third girl, aged 16, who is accused of filming the attack, pleaded not guilty and is due to appear for trial later in the year.

VIDEO: Teenage girls throw kitten around the room and post it on Facebook


Information on these two psychopaths:

  •  Daniella Riches and Gema Hopkins attend Isle of Sheppey Academy.
  • Gemas cell phone is 07414 902118 and her address is 33 LAPWING CLOSE, MINSTER, KENT, ME12
  • Chloe Richards did all the filming attends college but not sure where. Medway???
  • She Does beauty therapy im told.
  • Chloe’s address is Leat Close, Eastchurch, Kent, ME12
  • These are the girls twitter accounts
  • @gemahopkins
  • @daniellariches
  • @chloeerichardsx
  • gema hopkins twitter: hopkins facebook: riches richards twitter:

    chloe richards facebook:

  • The following is from THEUNPROMISEDONE3    on pastebin
    1. Twitter: @Mind_Sec
    2. Hashtag: #MindSec
    3.    _  _   .___  ___.  __  .__   __.  _______       _______. _______   ______
    4.  _| || |_ |   \/   | |  | |  \ |  | |       \     /       ||   ____| /      |
    5. |_  __  _||  \  /  | |  | |   \|  | |  .–.  |   |   (—-`|  |__   |  ,—-‘
    6.  _| || |_ |  |\/|  | |  | |  . `  | |  |  |  |    \   \    |   __|  |  |
    7. |_  __  _||  |  |  | |  | |  |\   | |  ‘–‘  |.—-)   |   |  |____ |  `—-.
    8.   |_||_|  |__|  |__| |__| |__| \__| |_______/ |_______/    |_______| \______|
    9. ##################################
    10. # We r00t minds, what do you do? #
    11. ##################################
    12. Psst….!!! #OpFreeAishah pass it on!!
    13. Real quick.. I would like to thank @57un / @youranonews for tweeting the kids twitter accounts.
    14. You mess with kittens you mess with the Lulz, when you mess with the Lulz, you mess with LulzSec, when you mess with LulzSec you mess with AntiSec, when you mess with AntiSec, you mess with Anonymous, when you mess with Anonymous, you mess with Rosanne Bar, when you mess with Rosanne Bar, you mess with 90’s sitcoms, when you mess with 90’s sitcoms, you mess with #MindSec
    15. Hello. It has come to our attention that some kids were throwing a defenseless, cute kitten around. This is unacceptable. You ready?
    16. Credit to @PhantomOfDaLulz and @nikkispannuth for their hard work on this, and providing the most of the info you see here. So send them some love 🙂
    17. #########
    18. # Video #
    19. #########
    20. Removed from YouTube but here is the backup 🙂
    22. ############################
    23. # Girl one: Chloe Richards #
    24. ############################
    25. Twitter(deleted?):
    26. @chloeerichardsx
    27. Backup!:
    29. Twicsy:
    31. Twitaddons:
    33. (English version)
    34. Formspring:
    36. Statigram(Instagram stats):
    38. YouTube:
    40. Facebook:
    42. School:
    43. The Isle Of Sheppey Academy
    44. Year:
    45. 9
    46. Location:
    47. The Isle Of Sheppey, Kent, UK
    48. Relatives?
    49. C Richards      47 ESTUARY ROAD, SHEERNESS ME12 1DZ     01795660442
    50. E Richards      99 ALMA ROAD, SHEERNESS ME12 2PD        01795583726
    51. J Richards      9 BRAMLEY WAY, EASTCHURCH, SHEERNESS ME12 4BT   01795880719
    52. S Richards      162 ST. GEORGES AVENUE, SHEERNESS ME12 1EJ      01795664643
    53. M Richards      78 VICTORIA STREET, SHEERNESS ME12 1YF  01795663232
    54. ##########################
    55. # Girl two: Gema Hopkins #
    56. ##########################
    57. Twitter:
    58. @GemaHopkins
    59. Twitter Avi Backup:
    61. Twicsy:
    63. TwitIQ:
    65. School:
    66. The Isle Of Sheppey Academy
    67. Year:
    68. 9
    69. Relatives:
    70. #######################
    71. # Jay Sanchez-Hopkins #
    72. #######################
    73. Twitter:
    74. @Jayere505
    75. Name:
    76. J Hopkins
    77. Address:
    79. Phone Number:
    80. 01795876722
    81. ###############################
    82. # Girl three: Daniella Riches #
    83. ###############################
    84. Twitter:
    85. @daniellariches
    86. Bio Backup:
    87. 279AA409.
    88. Kik-yellariches
    89. Follow me and we’ll favourite things until one of us gets some balls
    90. Thanks for reading, ive been daniella riches, good night
    91. sheppey, kent
    92. Twitter Avi Backup:
    94. TwitIQ:
    96. Kik: yellariches
    97. Instagram:
    99. Tumblr:
    101. For the Lulz: “I don’t fuck on the first date because you had me at 20$”
    104. School:
    105. The Isle Of Sheppey Academy
    106. Quote from school: (halway down is her quote “My option subjects are helping me on my way to achieve my ambitions” w/ pic)
    108. Year:
    109. 9
    110. ###################
    111. # School in-depth #
    112. ###################
    113. Registered address:
    114. The Isle of Sheppey Academy
    115. Minster Road
    116. Minster-on-Sea
    117. Kent
    118. ME12 3JQ
    119. Email:



19 thoughts on “Chloe Richards, Gemma Hopkins, Daniella Riches throw kittens against the wall while laughing”

  1. What horrid retched excuses for humans, these so called girls need to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law and need to have to clean the poop out of kennels and litter boxes at the human society for 1 year for every time they touched and threw that precious little baby kitten. What horrid creatures those girls are. Their parents should be extremely ashamed, angry and so supportive of any action that the law prescribes for these hateful, demonic excuses for humanity so called girls. They are disgusting and never need to be alone with any living breathing creation of God again. They should all be spayed and never allowed to bring forth evil like themselves. Tooooo sad for the kitten that she ended up at their house and Happy day that she has a new loving real human being to take care of her.

  2. disapointed in you

    posting these girls addresses, phone numbers etc… why? what are you hoping for? that these girls will be abused / threatened or harmed? you are just as sick as these individuals.
    i by no means condone their actions, but yours are no better.
    shame on you.

    1. When they made the choice to film themselves torturing an 8 week old kitten all the while laughing maniacally, they lost their right to any consideration or respect. This sort of thing happens daily and there are never ever any consequences. The animals that are at the mercy of the likes of these evil girls need some retribution and since there are no laws to speak of on their behalf this is just and fair. They dont want their personal info posted; simple dont torture animals. Im sorry if I seem unsympathetic to these girls in any way shape or form.

    2. I’m glad they posted it…..I would hate to think I unwittingly lived next door to murderous little bitches like this. Would you want them near your animals ? Or worse, your children ? Well done !

    3. You are a complete idiot. I WANT TO KNOW where these abusers live. I want to make SURE my pets and children are safe from these witches. You on the other hand are totally responsible for how society looks at this crime…SHAME ON YOU…

    4. Surely their names and addresses are there so people won’t let other animals go to them and suffer the same fate or God forgive a worse one.

  3. These are horrid nasty wenches that need to be slapped and humiliated for torturing a tiny defenseless animal. I have seen all their facebook pages and they are as ugly on the outside as they are on the inside. If I was in the same country I would hunt them down…but they are across the pond. I hope I get an update when someone does find them and kicks their nasty asses. Karma be plentiful and return to them ten fold!!! So mote it be!!!!

  4. So these poor excuses for humans thought it was funny to throw a kitten around. What I find disturbing, is most people would be horrified as with most babies the natural instinct is to protect not harm, this for me is worrying. As for the pathetic fine what a joke. They should have all ben made to do work in a animal resuce centre with no mobile phone, just get in and work hard for 8 hours cleaning out kennels and cages, feeding, and making sure everthing was clean for the next 2 years of their lives. Gosh how very proud their parents must be.

  5. Gemma Hopkins is 16. And pregnant. And a sociopath. And she’s having loads of fun playing the victim online. This girl is going to be the moral compass for a child.

    I hate this :/

    These girls need psychiatric help -immediately-

  6. I hope the Gemacunt dies giving birth. I hope her child is a deformed fucking nightmare. These three pieces of shit should never be allowed near each other again, and they should be thrown out of that school. I really do hope that all three of them die premature and painful deaths….them, and anyone and anything that they care about. Burn you fucking cunts

  7. not all animal lovers are geeks! I was able to exercise all vicious and cruelty that sapudo baby that gemma hopkins has the hands, I abused the baby up from him broke bones and I laughed, and made him blood and the more he cried over i let him beat up on a feed machine in a hospital . the best that these humans have, is we hit them and they can not accuse anyone, and i do just for revenge, for revenge, its a advice

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