90?s Rapper DMX, age 37, was arrested for animal cruelty


Source: http://snarkfood.com/page/523/

This article is from several years ago, sorry.

90?s Rapper DMX, age 37, was arrestedin Cave Creek, Arizona yesterday. He barricaded himself in his house when the Maricopa County sheriff tried to arresthim on drug and animal cruelty charges. DMX knows that Maricopa County iscelebrity sheriff Joe Arpaio’s territory- he’s the law that puts his male prisoners in pink! The “toughest sheriff in America” houses his inmates in tents- and is not a believer in cable TV for his prisoners.

This is the second raid by officials concerning animal cruelty; in August 12 pit bulls and pit bull mix dogs were taken from the rapper’s home. No arrest happened at the time, but the circumstances were quite unsavory, and the raid occurred the same week that Michael Vick pled guilty for financing a dogfighting ring.

Animal control took 5 pit bull mix puppies yesterday, and finally served a search warrant on DMX at 3 a.m. Officers found drugs and weapons during the search, resulting in four felony drug possession charges and seven misdemeanor animal cruelty charges. Deputies were also serving a search warrant at the Mayo Clinicin Scottsdale, Arizona, involving possible fraud by the rapper.

On Wednesday, DMX was clocked going 114 mph, was arrested and charged with racing on a highway, reckless driving, 2 counts of endangerment and 3 counts of criminal speed while driving on a suspended license. Dude had barely gotten home when the cops came calling again Friday!

I bet Sheriff Joe can’t WAIT to get his hands on this character- he’ll have him lookin’ like Barbie in no time. DMX may be Joe’s guest in the tents for awhile. Kind of like a doghouse.

5 thoughts on “90?s Rapper DMX, age 37, was arrested for animal cruelty”

  1. He’s a sick fuck and always has been. I remember like 10 yrs ago when my son was going through his rap music phase and he had me listen to DMX. GAWD!! I mean alot of rap music is awful, but DMX is another kind of sick. I told Jimmy, no DMX in this house. I’m disgusted with him having pit babies….but not surprised.

  2. This dude has 12 baby mamas, can you just believe it ?!
    From what planet is he ? One thing they should have done, let him Work and take the money he makes and give it to the mothers of his kids. Because in jail he can not do anything to pay back. That is a pretty dumb law cause it does not stop these guys
    From fucking without condoms and those whores to try to get prégnant from rich thugs. The ghetto at its best and sadest.

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