Vincent Medley, who abused and tortured dogs at San Antonio Animal Care, has now been selected to run Philadelphia’s animal shelter
[read story here: ]
After his appointment to Philadelphia he was asked but declined to respond to an online accusation of “blatant cruelty” as dogs were removed from a hoarder’s house in 2013, saying he didn’t recall it.
the following is an article regarding his appointment as leader of Philadelphia’s ACCT taken from here

“The fourth leader since 2007 of the Animal Care and Control Team, Philadelphia’s animal shelter, will be Vincent Medley, who has been assistant director of animal care services for San Antonio, Texas, for seven years.
He succeeds Sue Cosby, who left in March. Medley starts Nov. 2.
Even before Cosby’s departure, the city began a national search, which has taken about eight months. The first deadline for selecting a new executive director was extended, said David Wilson, the first deputy to the managing director who supervises ACCT, because the city wanted a larger pool of applicants. More than 70 people applied.
During his tenure in San Antonio, the 43-year-old Medley is credited with having a substantial role in increasing the live release rate from 31 percent to 81 percent, which is higher than Philly’s. “Live release” refers to animals that leave the shelter alive, to adoptive homes or rescue groups.
Prior to San Antonio, Medley was the field operations manager for the Houston Bureau of Animal Regulation and Care. He started as an animal control officer in Dallas.
When he was interviewed face-to-face several times during an all-day session, that was the first time the Detroit native had been in Philadelphia.
In a brief conversation, Medley wished to postpone an in-depth discussion of his plans until after his arrival.
He declined to respond to an online accusation of “blatant cruelty” as dogs were removed from a hoarder’s house in 2013, saying he didn’t recall it.
Wilson said the report was known to the city, had been examined and “it did not come to anything that was of tremendous concern.” I checked a newspaper account of the incident and I agree with the city’s assessment, but I am dubious Medley couldn’t recall it.
Medley has no contract, is an at-will employee tasked with increasing live release numbers at ACCT.
Last year’s live-release rate was 71 percent for dogs and 74 percent for cats. That’s up from the 2013 rate of 64 percent for dogs and 66 percent for cats.
Wilson cited Medley’s personality and experience as big factors in his selection, plus “his background in urban settings set him apart from other candidates.”
Read more at″
Help Us Welcome ACCT Philly’s New Executive Director, Vincent Medley
This is another story showing Vincent Medley’s indifference toward animals and why he should not be allowed to work with animals.
Mother giving birth saved from unfounded call for euthanasia
On June 8, a local rescuer Jamesa Hill went to the Animal Care Services facility to transport five dogs marked for rescue by Bulverde Humane Society. A red dog across the aisle caught her attention: when she went to see why this dog was whimpering, she noticed the dog had just given birth to a puppy. She notified an ACS employee and asked for details on the dog, and was told there weren’t any details on her intake. The employees consult the newly-promoted head veterinarian Ann Emshoff, who arrives on the scene and tells the employees to euthanize her.
“Why euthanize,” Hill asked. “She is still giving birth.”
Emshoff told Hill that the dog was too skinny to feed puppies.
Hill pointed out that the dog with four puppies across the aisle (the dogs she was there to pick up for rescue) was much skinnier than the dog currently in labor. Emshoff then told Hill that she could tell “just by looking at her” that this dog had heart worm, and instructed the employees to euthanize the dog and puppies right away because the puppies would be born with parvo.
It was then that one of the employees informed Emshoff that Hill was with a rescue group, and Emshoff noticed that Hill had a camera around her neck.
“She sees the big camera around my neck, it looks like a photographers camera but she thinks it is a video and I am videoing her. So she ask me please not post my video on the AAPAW list.
As I am leaving they are dragging the mama out of her kennel while she is pushing a pup out and mama is clawing on the ground not to go. So now I am screaming crying and Dr. E is still begging me not to post my video and trying to convince me that it is best for the dog and pups.”
Neither heart worm nor parvo can be diagnosed without laboratory testing, and the mother dog appeared to be healthy.
“Dr. Emshoff never entered the dog’s kennel, never laid hands on her, only examined her by looking at her on the other side of the kennel,” said Hill.
Hill immediately reached out to colleagues in rescue to plead for the dog’s life. In an email, ACS Assistant Director Vincent Medley told an inquirer that, “Dr. Emshoff observed the dog and has diagnosed the dog with distemper. As a result, we are going to euthanize this dog and her pups, due to the risk distemper poses to the dogs in any environment and the community at large. Please know that this decision is what we believe is best and that we appreciate all the efforts made on this animal’s behalf.”
The story of the dog spread like wildfire, and was brought to the attention of director Gary Hendel who ordered a 48-hour hold on the dog and puppies. Amazingly, despite the best efforts of Dr. Emshoff, the dog and puppies were pulled by a rescue within a few short hours, and ultimately transferred to Homeward Bound Dog Rescue.
According to Homeward Bound founder Joellen Cockroft, the mamma dog and all 11 of her puppies are healthy and nursing fine, “no distemper, no parvo.” All will be ready for adoption in about eight weeks. The mamma dog has not yet been tested for heart worm, but she will receive treatment if necessary.
Hendel’s public response to this incident was as follows:
Please pass the word along to everyone who has been copied in previous emails that this “owner release” mama and puppies are fine and have been rescued. No one has ever been banned from ACS since I’ve been here and I truly appreciate the help that we receive from all of our rescue partners. We allowed extra time for help to arrive, no dogs were put down and I’m thrilled that this mama got out of here. If anyone needs more information please email me directly.
Gary Hendel, ACS Director, 207-3338
Hendels’ private responses to rescuers were less positive:
“First, Dr. Emshoff is placing a 48 hrs hold on this dog. But… Please understand that I can’t have emotional folks wandering around the shelter taking photos of needy animals and then posting pictures after being specifically told not to by our managers… When our vet thinks this mama is the worst we have and authorizes euthanasia its really a tough decision for her but one based on knowing our capacity… Our job is really tough and I don’t want this Jameson lady back trying to help if she’s going to be so emotional. She’d be a great help to you on the outside rather than allowing her here, even though she’s trying to do the right thing.”
“This should be about the lady that abandoned her family pet here in the first place. That’s where my outrage is, but no one seems to want to do anything but yell at me like I even knew this animal had come into the shelter. I found out after the fact…”
“We all come at this business from different perspectives but since our chief vet left Dr E has stepped up and really done outstanding work. No one is perfect, but boy has she tried. I wish I could relay the entire story of this mama because what was reported is skewed a bit but I can’t change people’s minds once they have them made up. It’s always easier to blame ACS than to get mad at the owner who dumped her dog while in labor. Oh well, I have another 100 animals coming into the shelter tomorrow so I’ll move on.”
Hendel neglected to respond to multiple requests for details on how the story may have been skewed. Neither information officer Lisa Norwood, Hendel nor Medley responded to requests for more information regarding allegations of Emshoff’s lack of professionalism or competence.
A total of 2,519 dogs and cats were reportedly euthanized at ACS in May, 2011.
ACS Advisory Board Meetings are held the third Wednesday of the month at the Animal Care Services Shelter, located at 4710 State Highway 151, at 6:30 PM. The public is encouraged to attend.
Citizens are encouraged to make their voices heard by contacting ACS board members; Director Gary Hendel,; Assistant Director Vincent Medley,; City Manager Sheryl Sculley,; Assistant City Manager Erik Walsh,; Mayor Julian Castro and their city council representatives.
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