Monster Hired to Run Philadelphia’s Animal Shelter


Vincent Medley, who abused and tortured dogs at San Antonio Animal Care, has now been selected to run Philadelphia’s animal shelter

[read story here:

After his appointment to Philadelphia he was asked but declined to respond to an online accusation of  “blatant cruelty” as dogs were removed from a hoarder’s house in 2013, saying he didn’t recall it.

the following is an article regarding his appointment as leader of  Philadelphia’s ACCT taken from here

Vincent Medley

“The fourth leader since 2007 of the Animal Care and Control Team, Philadelphia’s animal shelter, will be Vincent Medley, who has been assistant director of animal care services for San Antonio, Texas, for seven years.

He succeeds Sue Cosby, who left in March. Medley starts Nov. 2.

Even before Cosby’s departure, the city began a national search, which has taken about eight months. The first deadline for selecting a new executive director was extended, said David Wilson, the first deputy to the managing director who supervises ACCT, because the city wanted a larger pool of applicants. More than 70 people applied.

During his tenure in San Antonio, the 43-year-old Medley is credited with having a substantial role in increasing the live release rate from 31 percent to 81 percent, which is higher than Philly’s. “Live release” refers to animals that leave the shelter alive, to adoptive homes or rescue groups.

Prior to San Antonio, Medley was the field operations manager for the Houston Bureau of Animal Regulation and Care. He started as an animal control officer in Dallas.

When he was interviewed face-to-face several times during an all-day session, that was the first time the Detroit native had been in Philadelphia.

In a brief conversation, Medley wished to postpone an in-depth discussion of his plans until after his arrival.

He declined to respond to an online accusation of “blatant cruelty” as dogs were removed from a hoarder’s house in 2013, saying he didn’t recall it.

Wilson said the report was known to the city, had been examined and “it did not come to anything that was of tremendous concern.” I checked a newspaper account of the incident and I agree with the city’s assessment, but I am dubious Medley couldn’t recall it.

Medley has no contract, is an at-will employee tasked with increasing live release numbers at ACCT.

Last year’s live-release rate was 71 percent for dogs and 74 percent for cats. That’s up from the 2013 rate of 64 percent for dogs and 66 percent for cats.

Wilson cited Medley’s personality and experience as big factors in his selection, plus “his background in urban settings set him apart from other candidates.”

Read more at″

Help Us Welcome ACCT Philly’s New Executive Director, Vincent Medley

This is another story showing Vincent Medley’s indifference toward animals and why he should not be allowed to work with animals.

Mother giving birth saved from unfounded call for euthanasia

Mother and 11 pups on their way out of ACS

June 13, 201111:31 PM MST
Kelly Walls
Mother and 11 pups on their way out of ACS

2 thoughts on “Monster Hired to Run Philadelphia’s Animal Shelter”

  1. Pingback: Monster Hired to Run Philadelphia’s Animal Shelter – Making Waves Outreach ? Flyers For Animal Rights

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