Video For The Song The Bullfighter Dies:
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Song The Bullfighter Dies:
Mad in Madrid
Ill in Seville
Lonely in Barcelona
Then someone told you and you cheered
Hooray, hooray
The bullfighter dies
Hooray, hooray
The bullfighter dies
And nobody cries
Nobody cries
Because we all want the bull to survive
Gaga in Málaga
No mercy in Murcia
Mental in Valencia
Then someone tells you and you cheer
Hooray, hooray
The bullfighter dies
Hooray, hooray
The bullfighter dies
And nobody cries
Nobody cries
Because we all want the bull to survive
bullfighters should be called cowards because its not a fight the bull is not put in ring to fight its put there to be killed after much pain suffering taunting torture abuse it rarely has any chance its going to die regardless of the outcome no win situation ITS A FUCKING SICK ACT OF CRUELTY AND NEEDS TOEND NOW
Concurred. Watching an animal tortured as a celebratory event shows how far the human race has not evolved. Ironically, the torturer is touted as a “hero.” Sick.
Bullfighting: A Spectacle of Cruelty in Three Acts
Humane Society International
A bullfight is split into three “tercios,” or thirds, with two bullfights per session, each lasting about 20 minutes.
Act 1
The matador’s (bullfighter’s) assistants provoke the bull using large colorful capes in order to observe the animal’s movements and patterns in the ring. The president, the official who presides over the bullfight, then signals the entry of the picadors (the armed men on horseback), whose job is to pierce the bull’s neck using a barbed lance. The purpose of the lance is to injure the bull in such a way as to prohibit sudden and abrupt movements.
Act 2
This act is called “el tercio de banderillas.’’ The purpose of the second “tercio” is to revive and liven the attack of the bull from the previous act’s fight and injuries. According to bullfighting regulations, the matador must stab at least four “banderillas,’’ or decorated wooden sticks with spiked ends, into the bull before the next and final act can take place. The function of the banderilla, a type of harpoon, is to tear muscles, nerves and blood vessels.
Act 3
The matador has ten minutes to kill the bull. If the bull is not killed at this ten minute mark, the president allows him another five minutes. If the bull is still alive after these five minutes, he is returned to the corral to be killed. The matador’s goal is to insert the sword in the cervical vertebra and cut the animal’s spinal cord.
The prizes and trophies awarded to the matador at the end of the fight vary depending on the performance. They range from cheers from the crowd, to a “vuelta” (lap) around the ring, to being rewarded with one or two of the bull’s ears, to the cutting off of the bull’s tail.
The bull’s carcass is then dragged out of the ring by a team of horses to be sold to butcher shops or local markets.
Alafair: Would you be so kind to remove me? I just googled my name and is showing as if Im siding with your views of YS and PH – without evidence, ethically, I cannot agree with you at the moment.