Pedals, the disabled, tall-walking black bear whose two-year trudge through suburban North Jersey made him an Internet sensation, has been killed in the state’s first bow hunt in four decades by Thomas McCreary.  The state Division of Fish and Wildlife confirmed late Friday that it had pictures of an injured bear that was brought into the Green Pond check station in Rockaway earlier this week.

This photo shows Pedals, who is unable to walk on all four because of a disability to his front paws.

“There are pictures of a bear with injured limbs that was brought into the station,” said Bob Considine, a spokesman for the Division of Fish and Wildlife.

Pedals had never been tagged by Fish and Wildlife, which makes a positive identification more difficult. But the division’s brief statement on the controversy came close to confirming what the Facebook group that made the bear famous had been saying since mid-week.

“PEDALS IS DEAD,” said a statement that was posted to the Pedals the Injured Biped Bear page on Facebook on Friday morning. “The hunter who has wanted him dead for nearly 3 years had the satisfaction of putting an arrow through him, bragging at the [check] station.”

The statement was posted by Lisa Rose-Rublack, a Bloomingdale resident who led a campaign that raised more than $20,000 to relocate the bear to an enclosed sanctuary in upstate New York. “The very place where they weighed him, examined his legs, confirmed it was ‘the bi-pedal,’Ÿ” she wrote. “Where there were two biologists on hand taking many, many pictures.”

Pedals was frequently filmed as he wandered on two legs through Oak Ridge and Rockaway. The Facebook page that Sabrina Pugsley of Oak Ridge started made Pedals a cyber-star, but he now appears to be a casualty of New Jersey’s first bow hunt in more than 40 years.


“I’m hoping he’s not the one, but there’s a strong possibility that he is the one,” said Eleanor Hoffman, a spokeswoman for the Bear Education and Resource Group, which opposes the hunt. ht_nj_bear_1_hb_160622_12x5_992

Considine said Fish and Wildlife biologists did take pictures as bears were brought into the Rockaway check station on Monday.

“We believe there were indeed photos taken at the Green Pond station by our biologists, which does happen [on] occasion at weigh in stations,” he said. “We’re tracking down how many photos there are and when they were taken. Whatever we have, we’ll look to distribute them next week, after the six-day bear hunt is over. Hopefully Monday.”

Reached by email, Rose-Rublack said eyewitnesses who were at the Rockaway check station on Monday evening said a hunter bragged about killing Pedals. But she refused to disclose the names of the eyewitnesses.

“We told them we wouldn’t give names and we won’t,” she said.

Her statement also suggests that someone called radio station New Jersey 101.5 pledging to kill Pedals — but the station has no record of receiving a call like that.

“We’ve only been reporting the story,” said Dan Alexander, a news writer who has covered the Pedals saga for the station. “We’ve talked to our producers and our hosts, and we haven’t had anyone on the air saying they were responsible for the death.”pedals2

Rose-Rublack said she called the radio station as well.

“Yes, they told me they can’t find anything,” she said. “We saw a couple of [online] posts when it aired on Tuesday. We don’t record everything but I sure wish we snapped a pic of that post.”

Rose-Rublack said she was certain that Pedals was dead. “Ask the DEP who their paid biologists were on the scene that day,” she said. “We pay them an awful lot of money. I would think they can tell a bipedal bear just from what they know of him.

“Pedals is dead,” she added. “Can’t bring him back. We can only move forward.”

Fears that Pedals has been killed reached a fever pitch just as the bear hunt was drawing to a close. The hunt ends today; as of sunrise Friday, 432 bears had been killed.

As always, the bear hunt pitted hunters against animal lovers. The hunt was due to close with Pedals’ fate still uncertain.

Pedals’ supporters could barely contain their grief in online postings. “Let’s go hunting after this idiot that goes after this helpless bear. Really,” Ana Urena posted in a message to the Facebook group.

“My heart is broken thinking of Pedals,” Lauren Luongo-Goetz wrote.

Hunters, meanwhile, stuck to their guns. “I’m sitting here in tears over Petals death,” a poster who calls himself Haskell_Hunter wrote on the NJ Woods and Water website. “Tears from laughing at all those comments. This is why I left Facebook never to go back. It’s group think at its worst.”

“Most antis are complete idiots, so this shouldn’t be news,” added a poster with the screen name newjerseyhunter, referring to opponents of the annual bear hunt.

State Sen. Raymond Lesniak, D-Union, an ardent opponent of the bear hunt, took to Twitter late Friday afternoon. “Petals is dead humans can be so cruel,” he tweeted, misspelling the name of the bear.


Brags about being wildlife ‘ s worst nightmare.

Outrage at Thomas McCreary for murdering an innocent disabled bear; we always knew there was evil in the world this just shows the extent and this ranks at the top of the MOST EVIL SCALE:

A facebook post reveals peoples reaction to this monster:

Pedals’ Murderer?
He brags about killing other wildlife…..
I just sent a message to him. Let’s see if he answers.

I also just called the phone number listed for Thomas McCreary and it has already been changed or out of service.(732) 721-2508

Street Address: 203 RIVERVIEW RD
Zip Code: 08807
County: somerset
County District: BRIDGEWATER TWP
Block: 00429

Katrina Garvin Shadix's photo.
Katrina Garvin Shadix's photo.
Laura Karg
Laura Karg I left him an instant message.
Like · Reply · 1 · 7 hrs
Melanie Blake

Melanie Blake I saw that he shared this post on his wall made by someone (Charlene Gill) to Rack EM up. with the comment “someone’s off their meds’. He fits this description.

“This won’t stay up for long because sociopaths are incapable of handling any kind of criticism directed towards them…..
There are places in the world where, if you have enough money, you can have sex with a child. It is legal in these places and it also has a price tag. The same goes for trophy hunting. Both are unethical, disgusting, senseless, self serving, exploitative and portends a serious psychological disorder. Deriving pleasure from harming another living being is universally repugnant. It is all about power, trying to compensate for some deep rooted feeling of inadequacy. Without empathy or compassion. Selfish personal gratification. Trophy hunters and child molesters share a very similar psyche.
Both have a warped sense of entitlement. Both attempt to justify their actions. Both destroy the lives of their victims. Both are concerned only with their own desires and will gratify them no matter the cost. They both have a sociopathic view of their place in this world.
I think everyone can agree that pedophiles are vile, evil creatures. Trophy hunters might be on a different page but they are definitely in the same book!”

Like · Reply · 8 · 7 hrs · Edited
Patricia Jackson Logan
Patricia Jackson Logan Well said Melanie…i just left him a message
Like · Reply · 1 · 6 hrs
Alafair Robicheaux
Write a reply…
 Rebecca Heintz
 Rebecca Heintz Here’s what I sent him:

You are wild games [games’] worst nightmare? No, you are the nightmare for Standard English and grammar. Everyone knows who you are and that your pathetic notion of being a game hunter is reduced to your killing a disabled beaSee More

Like · Reply · 6 · 7 hrs
Laura Karg
 Laura Karg I told him I noticed all those commenting on how sexy his selfies are seemed to be men. Wondered aloud if that might be at the core of his rage
Like · Reply · 5 · 7 hrs
Rebecca Heintz

Rebecca Heintz Here is the murderer’s wife.

Rebecca Heintz's photo.
Like · Reply · 1 · 6 hrs
Katrina Garvin Shadix
Katrina Garvin Shadix Hilarious, Rebecca!
Laura Karg
Laura Karg Fyi…the US fish and wildlife conservation commission has a post on bear safety. May want to leave some comments there also
Alafair Robicheaux
Write a reply…
Maria Kazouris
Maria Kazouris Yes! Let’s have a meet and greet!
Like · Reply · 1 · 7 hrs
Lisa Martin
Lisa Martin Message sent..all I need now is his address..
Like · Reply · 2 · 7 hrs
Katrina Garvin Shadix

Street Address: 203 RIVERVIEW RDSee More

Like · Reply · 1 · 6 hrs · Edited
Lisa Martin
Lisa Martin Omg too funny thank you..I’ll be sending many letters his way..
Like · Reply · 2 · 5 hrs
Katrina Garvin Shadix
Katrina Garvin Shadix You’re most welcome and thank YOU, Lisa <3
Lisa Martin
Lisa Martin Believe me this piece of crap is gonna hear from me and everyone I know..
Like · Reply · 1 · 5 hrs
Alafair Robicheaux
Write a reply…
 Shaibutta Abitrantez
Shaibutta Abitrantez I’m not sure this guys profile is legit, he has been trolling for a long time. He might just be trying to get a rise out of us. We will find out one way or another who murdered Pedals. Darkness always comes to light!. Whoever did this can expect to be Shamed for life.
Like · Reply · 3 · 6 hrs
Rebecca Heintz
 Rebecca Heintz It matches much of his wife’s, and they go back several years.
Shaibutta Abitrantez
Shaibutta Abitrantez I’ve seen him mentioned in other groups. It seems he likes attention , most of them are just trolls. Hopefully we will know for sure soon.
Like · Reply · 1 · 6 hrs
Write a reply…
 Kate Cordell
 Kate Cordell He is a horrible human being.
Like · Reply · 4 · 6 hrs
Anette Nixon
 Anette Nixon He’s hated by many

IP Address Host Location US US, United States City…
Like · Reply · 4 · 6 hrs
Anette Nixon
 Anette Nixon I sent him a message too. Google him more info
Like · Reply · 2 · 6 hrs · Edited
Marcy Cazz
Marcy Cazz why or how would a coward such as himself respond? I hope he does,..I notice on his FB posts that he is a womanizer,..among other things.Yes,.lets see if he has the balls to respond to you! Lets show these NJ scumbags how we deal with those who brag ofSee More
Like · Reply · 2 · 6 hrs
Anette Nixon
Anette Nixon Address Katrina Garvin Shadix
Street Address: 203 RIVERVIEW RD
Zip Code: 08807
County: somerset
County District: BRIDGEWATER TWP
Block: 00429
Like · Reply · 3 · 6 hrs
Rebecca Dewinter-Abdow
Rebecca Dewinter-Abdow Brags about being wildlife ‘ s worst nightmare. I’d like to be his, rotten POS
Like · Reply · 5 · 6 hrs · Edited
Angela Dalton
Angela Dalton The face of evil
Like · Reply · 1 · 6 hrs
Katrina Garvin Shadix
Katrina Garvin Shadix I gave his name and address to the NJ man that posted a video yesterday being extremely upset about Pedal’s death.
He reminded me of someone that would be in Tony Soprano’s crew
Like · Reply · 7 · 6 hrs · Edited
Susan Bush Conyac
Susan Bush Conyac Like, like, like!! ????????????
Like · Reply · 2 · 5 hrs
Alafair Robicheaux
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Pattie Smith
Pattie Smith You guys are just great you’re like the CIA but for the protection of our Bears .
Like · Reply · 6 · 6 hrs
Debbie Bates
Debbie Bates I went to the NJ page I think you referred to, Katrina. I can’t get directly to this twatwaffle, but did ask him to post this to Tiny Toms fb page: Hey, Thomas McCrappy of New Jersey….boy you have NO problem setting the bar LOW, do you? It takes aSee More
Like · Reply · 6 · 6 hrs · Edited
Alafair Robicheaux
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Patricia Jackson Logan
Patricia Jackson Logan Sent him a message…POS…hope someone shoots him with an arrow
Like · Reply · 4 · 6 hrs
Maria Kazouris
Maria Kazouris There’s a good chance NJ public record laws would release the address he used on his hunting license. Just saying ..
Like · Reply · 1 · 6 hrs
Katrina Garvin Shadix
Katrina Garvin Shadix Owner Name: MCCREARY, THOMAS F & JEANETTE

Street Address: 203 RIVERVIEW RD
Zip Code: 08807
County: somerset
County District: BRIDGEWATER TWP
Block: 00429

Like · Reply · 5 · 6 hrs · Edited
Kathy Register
Kathy Register I just sent him a message as well asking for him to confirm the reports that he is in fact the one who killed Pedals.
Like · Reply · 3 · 6 hrs
Katrina Garvin Shadix
Katrina Garvin Shadix I just called the phone number listed for Thomas McCreary and it has already been changed or out of service.
He is shaking in his tiny little boots right about now
Like · Reply · 7 · 5 hrs
Melissa Sackett
 Melissa Sackett They are watching us and know the hunter’s pic was posted on Fb before I even did! See last comment posted on this forum’s thread.…/9170-the-antis-are…/.
Maria Kazouris replied · 5 Replies · 4 hrs
Christine Pomeranke Smith
Christine Pomeranke Smith Proud to kill a disabled bear, what a low life scum he is!
Like · Reply · 4 · 5 hrs
Patricia Jackson Logan
Patricia Jackson Logan Any info yet on where he is employed….
Like · Reply · 1 · 5 hrs
Melissa Sackett
 Melissa Sackett Katrina Garvin Shadix It does look like they own and operate Murphy’s Shamrock Inn (a tavern) in South Amboy, NJ., or at least have a stake in it. See my post below along with the comments on the side when you click the pic.
Like · Reply · 1 · 1 hr · Edited
Alafair Robicheaux
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Christine Pomeranke Smith
Christine Pomeranke Smith Call and boycott his restaurant,
Tel 732-721-1519
Like · Reply · 3 · 5 hrs · Edited
Hide 13 Replies
Katrina Garvin Shadix
Katrina Garvin Shadix Tell us about the restaurant, Christine!
Like · Reply · 1 · 5 hrs
Heather Jenkins

Heather Jenkins I am seeing this on other pages, can someone confirm if this is his business?

Heather Jenkins's photo.
Like · Reply · 1 · 5 hrs
Christine Pomeranke Smith

Christine Pomeranke Smith That’s it! Boycott it NJ ResidentsLike · Reply · 2 · 5 hrs

Heather Jenkins Interesting, I just called and asked if he was the owner of the inn. The lady asked why I want to know. I told her I just wanted to know. She said I can’t talk to you, GOODBYE! I guess that answered my question. Her phone is going to be busy today.

Like · Reply · 3 · 5 hrs

Christine Pomeranke Smith Google and the restaurant name, he’s the owner (732) 721-1519

Manta – The Place for Small Business

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Like · Reply · 2 · 5 hrs

Heather Jenkins She went into a panic when I asked her the question..cowards!

Like · Reply · 3 · 5 hrs

Heather Jenkins Adam Sugalski

Like · Reply · 1 · 5 hrs

Christine Pomeranke Smith 732 721 1519
Murphys Shamrock Inn

Like · Reply · 1 · 4 hrs

Melissa Sackett Place looks like a dump from the outside…how fitting. It could become the next place where the hunter becomes the hunted.

Like · Reply · 2 · 4 hrs · Edited

Melissa Sackett

Like · Reply · 2 · 4 hrs

Melissa Sackett Heather Jenkins Thank you! Got him!!

Like · Reply · 1 · 4 hrs

Melissa Sackett Heather Jenkins Good job, Heather!

Like · Reply · 2 · 4 hrs

Gail Zega That’s him! Didn’t know he had a business though! Oh GOODY!

Like · Reply · 3 · 2 hrs

Write a reply…

Melissa Sackett Here is a more recent pic of Thomas McCreary and his “enabler” , wife Jeanette.

Like · Reply · 5 hrs

Susan Bush Conyac Ew, what woman would want that lowlife???!

Like · Reply · 1 · 5 hrs

Write a reply…

Valerie Ruby Miserable scumbag SOB. I hope karma gets him soon. Payback is a bitch you miserable sub human specimen.

Like · Reply · 2 · 5 hrs

Melissa Sackett From the wife’s page…….

Like · Reply · 2 · 5 hrs

Melissa Sackett Looks like he needs to hunt bear to gain some weight. He is disgusting inside and out.

Like · Reply · 3 · 5 hrs

Susan Bush Conyac Gross!

Like · Reply · 3 · 5 hrs

Daniela Kohl

Like · Reply · 1 · 4 hrs

Katrina Garvin Shadix Ewww.

Like · Reply · 1 · 4 hrs

George D Rubin Fat piece of shit..

Like · Reply · 2 hrs

Write a reply…

Melissa Sackett Ugly tats……

Like · Reply · 2 · 5 hrs

Melissa Sackett By the comments, it does look like they own this “dive bar” in South Amboy live in Elizabethtown)..

Like · Reply · 2 · 5 hrs

Kay Norton oh yeah he definitely looks like hes starving and needs to hunt to live. fat pos

Like · Reply · 2 · 5 hrs

Melissa Sackett That is an old pic…Look at the more recent ones…..he’s enormous and full of tats!

Like · Reply · 5 hrs

Daniela Kohl

Like · Reply · 2 · 4 hrs

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Kay Bee Noelia Pasi….. this is the murder!!

Like · Reply · 2 · 5 hrs

Noelia Pasi Omg

Like · Reply · 1 · 5 hrs

Noelia Pasi Mira KaterinaSee Translation

Like · Reply · 1 · 5 hrs

Lisa Granger how do u know for sure?

Like · Reply · 1 hr

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Lori Lépine the hunter becomes the hunted. I can’t say I feel a bit sorry for him.

Like · Reply · 1 · 5 hrs

Valkrye Brumby Yes and why should anyone feel the least bit sorry for him?. He has made his choices~ to choose death over life , ignorance over intelligence, destruction over preservation. He represents some of the things I find most loathsome in the human species ~ incapable of independent thought , lacks any empathy or compassion except perhaps to other humans he knows~ arrogant and unapologetic ~ equates masculinity with killing

Like · Reply · 1 · 12 mins

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Lori Lépine I do assume everyone doing so is vegetarian!

Like · Reply · 5 hrs

Daniela Kohl He will hide and not answer because he is a coward like all these bear killers !!!

Like · Reply · 1 · 5 hrs

Melissa Sackett Nice place for a protest, you think? Lots of room in front and on both sides of the building!

Unlike · Reply · 6 · 4 hrs · Edited

Belle Oden This is the only way to stop this crap.. is we have to stick together and report. Post and voice our concerns

Like · Reply · 2 · 4 hrs

John Bell So PROUD of what this Neanderthal does.. he BOASTS by saying… he is WILDLIFES’ WORST NIGHTMARE!! This is the kind of breed of people Hunting fosters. The more killing the less desensitized they are to it! Well .. we have his address, don’t we?

Like · Reply · 3 · 4 hrs

Belle Oden replied · 9 Replies · 37 mins

Maria Machado Message sent. Let’s all leave a little piece

Like · Reply · 2 · 4 hrs

Maria Machado

Like · Reply · 2 · 4 hrs

Melissa Sackett ohhhhhhhhhhhh…I can’t be that polite.

Like · Reply · 1 · 1 hr

Maria Machado I usually expose them to their hypocrisy. They are big believers in religious BS, but love killing their God’s creation. I think this argument gets more in their brain than fighting them.

Like · Reply · 1 · 1 hr

Write a reply…

Kai Justice Rivers Disgusting piece of shit!

Like · Reply · 1 · 4 hrs

Lisa Grossman NJ ACTIVISTS: after we are sure, looks like its time for a home demo. They are legal and extremely effective in exposing very bad people. You watch South Florida Smash HLS home demo videos or look on YouTube for them.

Like · Reply · 5 · 3 hrs

Maria Machado Murphys shamrock inn is the name of a bar they own

Like · Reply · 2 · 3 hrs


Like · Reply · 1 · 3 hrs

Joann Clarkson They are telling the readers not to comment on anti hunters comments because we will fight even harder and mess up their hunt for next year, that we will do our thing and go away.

Unlike · Reply · 6 · 3 hrs

Melissa Sackett where? But darn right the negative publicity from the killing of Pedals will mess up their hunt for next year. Who with any decency thinks it’s ok to kill a disabled bear that hasn’t caused any problems the entire time he lived in that area?

Like · Reply · 1 · 1 hr

Melissa Sackett Joann Clarkson..where did he post this Joann? That we “will do our thing and go away”?

Like · Reply · 1 · 1 hr · Edited

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Jay Willard

Unlike · Reply · 9 · 3 hrs

Anette Nixon Katrina Garvin Shadix he owns Murphys Bar in South Amboy

Like · Reply · 9 · 2 hrs

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Keri Smith He is one sick son of a bitch????.

Like · Reply · 2 · 2 hrs

Valkrye Brumby Is there any place we can leave a comment that he will be able to see?

Like · Reply · 2 hrs

Marcia Blaha Katrina, I have been so sad for last couple days over Pedals being murdered. I wish people would leave unique, spec. needs wildlife alone. This McCreary guy is a real POS,, to kill a handicapped animal!!

Like · Reply · 2 · 1 hr

Katrina Garvin Shadix AGREED! :'(

Like · Reply · 1 · 1 hr

Write a reply…

Judy C Wright What a sick pile of ????

Like · Reply · 1 · 54 mins

Sue Wachtel McCreary is a sack of shit. Loser. Shooting a disabled bear is as low as scum can go.

Like · Reply · 2 · 54 mins

Melissa Sackett Shooting a handicapped bear… with only two legs to get away…………there is a special place in hell for him but I really hope he experiences some hell here on earth before he dies.

Like · Reply · 2 · 43 mins

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Fawn Avant It says on their site that they are the general managers of Murphy’s Shamrock Inn. Maybe it’s time for their patrons to see who they are spending money on to help him kill a defenseless bear!

Like · Reply · 1 · 31 mins

Katrina Garvin Shadix We’ve blasted the FB page via ‘post a review’ option 🙂

Like · Reply · 1 · 30 mins

Fawn Avant And it’s working. The restaurant went from a 4.5 rating to a 3 now and it was at 66 reviews and now it’s at 135. Good job, keep it going.

Like · Reply · 1 · 24 mins

Katrina Garvin Shadix

Like · Reply · 1 · 22 mins

Christine Pomeranke Smith That’s it! Boycott it NJ Residents
Like · Reply · 2 · 5 hrs
Heather Jenkins
Heather Jenkins Interesting, I just called and asked if he was the owner of the inn. The lady asked why I want to know. I told her I just wanted to know. She said I can’t talk to you, GOODBYE! I guess that answered my question. Her phone is going to be busy today.
Like · Reply · 3 · 5 hrs
Christine Pomeranke Smith
Christine Pomeranke Smith Google and the restaurant name, he’s the owner (732) 721-1519
Find great small businesses around the corner and across the country or become one of the…
Like · Reply · 2 · 5 hrs
Heather Jenkins
 Heather Jenkins She went into a panic when I asked her the question..cowards!
Like · Reply · 3 · 5 hrs
Christine Pomeranke Smith
Murphys Shamrock Inn
Like · Reply · 1 · 4 hrs
Melissa Sackett
 Melissa Sackett Place looks like a dump from the outside…how fitting. It could become the next place where the hunter becomes the hunted.
Like · Reply · 2 · 4 hrs · Edited
Melissa Sackett
Melissa Sackett Heather Jenkins Thank you! Got him!!
Like · Reply · 1 · 4 hrs
Melissa Sackett
Melissa Sackett Heather Jenkins Good job, Heather!
Like · Reply · 2 · 4 hrs
Gail Zega
Gail Zega That’s him! Didn’t know he had a business though! Oh GOODY!
Like · Reply · 3 · 2 hrs
Alafair Robicheaux
Write a reply…
  Melissa Sackett
Melissa Sackett Here is a more recent pic of Thomas McCreary and his “enabler” , wife Jeanette.
Susan Bush Conyac
 Susan Bush Conyac Ew, what woman would want that lowlife???!
Like · Reply · 1 · 5 hrs
Alafair Robicheaux
Write a reply…
Valerie Ruby
Valerie Ruby Miserable scumbag SOB. I hope karma gets him soon. Payback is a bitch you miserable sub human specimen.
Like · Reply · 2 · 5 hrs
Melissa Sackett
Melissa Sackett Looks like he needs to hunt bear to gain some weight. He is disgusting inside and out.
Like · Reply · 3 · 5 hrs
Susan Bush Conyac
Like · Reply · 3 · 5 hrs
George D Rubin
George D Rubin Fat piece of shit..
Alafair Robicheaux
Write a reply…
 Melissa Sackett
Melissa Sackett

Melissa Sackett By the comments, it does look like they own this “dive bar” in South Amboy live in Elizabethtown)..

Image may contain: 2 people
Like · Reply · 2 · 5 hrs
Kay Norton
Kay Norton oh yeah he definitely looks like hes starving and needs to hunt to live. fat pos
Like · Reply · 2 · 5 hrs
Melissa Sackett
Melissa Sackett That is an old pic…Look at the more recent ones…..he’s enormous and full of tats!
Alafair Robicheaux
Write a reply…
 Kay Bee
 Kay Bee Noelia Pasi….. this is the murder!!
Like · Reply · 2 · 5 hrs
Noelia Pasi
Like · Reply · 1 · 5 hrs
Lisa Granger
Lisa Granger how do u know for sure?
Alafair Robicheaux
Write a reply…
Lori Lépine
Lori Lépine the hunter becomes the hunted. I can’t say I feel a bit sorry for him.
Like · Reply · 1 · 5 hrs
Valkrye Brumby
Valkrye Brumby Yes and why should anyone feel the least bit sorry for him?. He has made his choices~ to choose death over life , ignorance over intelligence, destruction over preservation. He represents some of the things I find most loathsome in the human species ~ incapable of independent thought , lacks any empathy or compassion except perhaps to other humans he knows~ arrogant and unapologetic ~ equates masculinity with killing
Like · Reply · 1 · 12 mins
Write a reply…
 Lori Lépine
Lori Lépine I do assume everyone doing so is vegetarian!
Daniela Kohl
Daniela Kohl He will hide and not answer because he is a coward like all these bear killers !!!
Like · Reply · 1 · 5 hrs
Melissa Sackett
 Melissa Sackett Nice place for a protest, you think? Lots of room in front and on both sides of the building!
Unlike · Reply · 6 · 4 hrs · Edited
Belle Oden
Belle Oden This is the only way to stop this crap.. is we have to stick together and report. Post and voice our concerns
Like · Reply · 2 · 4 hrs
John Bell
 John Bell So PROUD of what this Neanderthal does.. he BOASTS by saying… he is WILDLIFES’ WORST NIGHTMARE!! This is the kind of breed of people Hunting fosters. The more killing the less desensitized they are to it! Well .. we have his address, don’t we?
Like · Reply · 3 · 4 hrs
Belle Oden replied · 9 Replies · 37 mins
Maria Machado
 Maria Machado Message sent. Let’s all leave a little piece
Like · Reply · 2 · 4 hrs
Melissa Sackett
 Melissa Sackett ohhhhhhhhhhhh…I can’t be that polite.
Like · Reply · 1 · 1 hr
Maria Machado
 Maria Machado I usually expose them to their hipocrecy. They are big believers in religious BS, but love killing their God’s creation. I think this argument gets more in their brain than fighting them.
Alafair Robicheaux
Write a reply…
  Kai Justice Rivers
Kai Justice Rivers Disgusting piece of shit!
Like · Reply · 1 · 4 hrs
Lisa Grossman
 Lisa Grossman NJ ACTIVISTS: after we are sure, looks like its time for a home demo. They are legal and extremely effective in exposing very bad people. You watch South Florida Smash HLS home demo videos or look on YouTube for them.
Like · Reply · 5 · 3 hrs
Maria Machado
Maria Machado Murphys shamrock inn is the name of a bar they own
Like · Reply · 2 · 3 hrs
Dana Dillon
Like · Reply · 1 · 3 hrs
Joann Clarkson
Joann Clarkson They are telling the readers not to comment on anti hunters comments because we will fight even harder and mess up their hunt for next year, that we will do our thing and go away.
Unlike · Reply · 6 · 3 hrs
Melissa Sackett
Melissa Sackett where? But darn right the negative publicity from the killing of Pedals will mess up their hunt for next year. Who with any decency thinks it’s ok to kill a disabled bear that hasn’t caused any problems the entire time he lived in that area?
Like · Reply · 1 · 1 hr
Melissa Sackett
 Melissa Sackett Joann Clarkson..where did he post this Joann? That we “will do our thing and go away”?
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Jay Willard
Anette Nixon
Anette Nixon Katrina Garvin Shadix he owns Murphys Bar in South Amboy
Like · Reply · 2 · 3 hrs
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Keri Smith
Keri Smith He is one sick son of a bitch????.
Like · Reply · 2 · 2 hrs
Valkrye Brumby
Valkrye Brumby Is there any place we can leave a comment that he will be able to see?
Marcia Blaha
 Marcia Blaha Katrina, I have been so sad for last couple days over Pedals being murdered. I wish people would leave unique, spec. needs wildlife alone. This McCreary guy is a real POS,, to kill a handicapped animal!!
Like · Reply · 2 · 1 hr
Katrina Garvin Shadix
 Katrina Garvin Shadix AGREED! :'(
Judy C Wright
Judy C Wright What a sick pile of ????
Like · Reply · 1 · 54 mins
Sue Wachtel
Sue Wachtel McCreary is a sack of shit. Loser. Shooting a disabled bear is as low as scum can go.
Like · Reply · 2 · 54 mins
Melissa Sackett
Melissa Sackett Shooting a handicapped bear… with only two legs to get away…………there is a special place in hell for him but I really hope he experiences some hell here on earth before he dies.
 Fawn Avant
Fawn Avant It says on their site that they are the general managers of Murphy’s Shamrock Inn. Maybe it’s time for their patrons to see who they are spending money on to help him kill a defenseless bear!
Like · Reply · 1 · 31 mins
Katrina Garvin Shadix
 Katrina Garvin Shadix We’ve blasted the FB page via ‘post a review’ option 🙂
 Reply · 1 · 30 mins
Fawn Avant
 Fawn Avant And it’s working. The restaurant went from a 4.5 rating to a 3 now and it was at 66 reviews and now it’s at 135. Good job, keep it going.
Katrina Garvin Shadix
 Katrina Garvin Shadix I wish he would man up and confess to killing Pedals.

But he’s between a rock and a hard place…. if he didn’t do it , he doesn’t want to admit that because it will make him look like less of a badass hunter to hisTrophy Hunter Buddies–to which he’s bragged for 3 years about wanting to kill Pedals.
If he did do it, he doesn’t want to admit that either, because it will affect his business and his personal safety.
I’m curious to see how the coward will handle the onslaught of attacks.

Fawn Avant
Fawn Avant I’m checking with the local newspaper to run either a 7 day add or see how much it would be to run a full page ad with his picture, Christie’s picture and Pedals picture and I’ll need help with the wording.
· Reply · 1 · 19 mins

OAK RIDGE, N.J. — The first time Greg Macgowan’s wife saw the bear near their home, the upper half of the animal’s body was obscured by a neighbor’s deck. “She said, ‘Come here — there’s a guy in a bear suit,’” he recalled.

It turned out to be a real bear, but one that differed from the typical backyard visitor searching for food or wishing to cool off in a pool. This one walked almost entirely upright.

Now, two summers later, many more residents in this largely rural swath of northern New Jersey have spotted the Garden State Sasquatch, a bipedal bear nicknamed Pedals, who has his own Facebook fan page. It has, of course, made him a global sensation.

With two maimed front legs, Pedals, an American black bear who displays remarkably good posture, manages to get around on his hind legs. His unusual condition has spawned coveted sightings and viral videos. “Pedals is my spirit animal,” one person wrote on Facebook.

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[facebook url=”” /]Greg Macgowan and his son Justin, 10, in their backyard in Oak Ridge, N.J., overlooking a wooded area where they often see bears, including Pedals, a bear that walks upright. CreditRichard Perry/The New York Times

“Division biologists note that, based on the video, the bear is active, appears healthy, a little larger than last year, and is thriving on its own having adapted to its condition,” the post said.

“The bear was able to find adequate food resources in an area of high bear density and to have successfully denned through at least the past two winters in its current condition,” the post said. “Therefore, there is no need for intervention at this time.”

It is unclear how the bear was injured. A former state wildlife biologist speculated in 2014, when the bear was first spotted, that it was hit by a car. But the bear may also have a congenital defect; in various videos, the right front leg appears truncated, while the left paw dangles.

“Other than the videos, we haven’t been able to get a close look at him,” said Larry Hajna, a spokesman for the state Department of Environmental Protection, adding that biologists did not see a need to perform an examination of the bear.

In an interview posted on YouTube last month, Tracy Leaver, the founder and executive director of Woodlands Wildlife Refuge in Alexandria Township, N.J., said the desire to help the bear was understandable, but misguided. She explained that he had clearly managed to find food and a den during successive winters, despite his limited mobility.

“That’s what wildlife does,” she said. “They survive. He’s over it. We’re not, as people. We want to reach in, we want to help, we want to fix him.”

“Life is wonderful for this animal right now,” she added. “There’s plenty of natural food. To take that bear out of that beautiful home range that he’s been living successfully in, and put him in an enclosure anywhere, would be like imprisoning him.”

 Bears are frequent visitors to Lisa Ragoobir’s property in Oak Ridge. “I’m afraid of snakes more than the bears,” she said. CreditRichard Perry/The New York Times

Lisa Ragoobir, who lives here in Oak Ridge, was encouraged that the bear seemed to have put on weight. “This year he looks much healthier,” she said from her deck overlooking a meadow of cattails and milkweed, where the bear was seen strutting in June. “The first time I saw him, he was so skinny.”

Bears are frequent visitors to her property, she said. Recently, a sow with three cubs lingered in the vegetation about 100 feet from Mrs. Ragoobir’s back deck. She and her family take precautions, she said, just like everyone else in this corner of New Jersey, where bears are as common as wild turkey and deer are elsewhere.

Her children know, for example, to move to the elevated deck from the yard, especially when cubs are present. “I’m afraid of snakes more than the bears,” she said.

Mr. Macgowan, a database administrator and father of four here, first captured the bear in a grainy video in 2014, when Pedals crossed through his neighbor’s yard. This summer, his family watched as the bear collected berries from a swampy area behind his property and then shook some crab apples from a tree.

“He’s doing fine in the wild,” Mr. Macgowan said. “He just does it on two legs. I think nature is best left where it is.”

State officials, in the meantime, say that Pedals has helped put wildlife in New Jersey on the world map — a nice change of pace for a state known to carry a chip on its shoulder. “It’s very compelling,” Mr. Hajna said. “This is a very resilient bear. He’s really captured the attention and hearts of a lot of people.”


  1. Mr. POS McCreary you are our worst nightmare and I pray that one day your cocky narcissistic attitude and blatant disregard for Gods creatures is quashed by one of the beautiful animals that you kill for fun. May you rot in hell. I sincerely believe that what goes around comes around.

  2. Just an FYI to those who post about NJ scumbags etc. I’m from NJ. To be more precise, I’m from Pedal’s exact neck of the woods. To group everyone together based on the actions of one makes you a bigot. I don’t appreciate it and the chatter from ppl in NJ is deafening. To those who call us NJ scumbags, I say this ~ you have the same mentality as the person who murdered Pedals.

  3. Pedals was better off left in the wild??? Didn’t this make him an easy target when the bear hunt began? It is an easy assumption that some dickhead would kill him. And that’s exactly what happened. So, sorry Pedals, the wildlife “professionals” chose not to relocate you to a sanctuary. Shame on them! And Mr. Dickhead McCreary, rot in yell.

  4. Usually I say to others, humans before animals, but Mr. jerkface over here wants to be his own crime. He will never forget this and it will haunt him for the rest of his life, which btw will end fairly soon. I believe right now, a ROCK IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN THIS DISGUSTING CREATURE. SHAME SHAME SHAME ON UUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!

    1. I feel the same way as you do although I’ve never killed an animal. There is something that has gone wrong in the “minds” of many people today. I can only hope that good will prevail over evil and this asshole who killed Pedals will pay dearly for his lack of compassion. Of course, he doesn’t have two brain cells to rub together, so I’m not sure that he can comprehend the misery that he caused. But I believe in karma, and his will be a bitch.

  5. Hi. Not sure if this is how I contact you, but if it is, I thought you might like to add this to your website/mail-list and post this news story before it is takend down by KETV Channel 7 in Omaha.

    * *

    On Mon, Oct 17, 2016 at 6:03 AM, The Monsters Among Us wrote:

    > Alafair posted: ” Pedals, the disabled, tall-walking black bear whose > two-year trudge through suburban North Jersey made him an Internet > sensation, has been killed in the state’s first bow hunt in four decades by > Thomas McCreary. The state Division of Fish and Wildli” >

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