Update on Daniel Kopulos

In this post, Daniel Kopulos I told you about hundreds of birds that were living in horrific conditions and now I have received an anonymous tip that he is housing about 100 animals, which is a violation of the conditions of his case.

He is currently operating out of Yonkers, NY at 151 Ludlow Street his new facility is a run-down warehouse where even more animals are being kept and neglected. The place doesn’t have any running water nor does it have restroom facilities.

He is also currently living out of this very warehouse. He has been using a false address in Harlem for his court cases and has also given this false address to prosecutors and the psychologists working on his case.

151 Ludlow Street
Yonkers, NY 10705

link to the street view of the building he operates out of. His door is on the first floor- the one on the right…



*Kopulos granted continuance in Weston animal cruelty case*

By Gregory Menti on January 12, 2017

Daniel Kopulos, who was arrested for animal cruelty in September, was granted another continuance, his third in total, at Norwalk Superior Court on Friday, Jan. 6.

Kopulos is now scheduled to appear in court on Monday, Feb. 6, at 10 a.m. The court is currently awaiting his plea of guilty or not guilty.

Kopulus appeared in court twice last year, on Oct. 24 and Nov. 30. He was granted a continuance in each instance.

He was arrested on Oct. 11, 2016, and charged with animal cruelty under Connecticut state statute 53-247(a).

The cruelty charge was based on the custody and condition of 224 animals that were removed from his home on Newtown Turnpike last September.

Police were called to the scene after a report of a “bad odor” coming from his house. When they arrived, officers found hundreds of exotic birds, reptiles, and snakes — many in poor condition or dead.

Officials called it one of the worst cases of “animal hoarding” they had ever seen. The house had electricity but no running water and was condemned for occupancy by health officials.

Statute 53-247(a), “Cruelty to Animals,” applies to “any person who … overworks, tortures deprives of necessary sustenance, fails to supply any such animal with wholesome air, food, and water, mutilates or cruelly beats or kills or unjustifiably injures any animal.”

A first offense is punishable by a fine of not more than $1,000, or imprisonment of not more than one year — or both.

Kopulos was the owner of Fauna, an exotic Manhattan pet store, which has since closed.

More than 117 exotic birds taken from the home were transported to Rhode Island Parrot Rescue in Warwick, R.I., a volunteer organization. The group is relying on donations from the public and the town in order to care for the birds.

In October, the Board of Selectmen and finance board approved an appropriation of $21,625 to the rescue group for maintenance and care of the birds.

In December, the selectmen approved an additional supplemental appropriation of $15,000 for Rhode Island Parrot Rescue. The appropriation is pending approval from the finance board.

Weston’s animal control officer, Mark Harper, said there were “wrenches thrown into the gears” regarding financial negotiations with Rhode Island Parrot Rescue since the initial appropriation.

He said negotiations may get “very serious and very complicated, very quickly,” without elaborating on what exactly those words meant.

On the main page of Rhode Island Parrot Rescue’s website, riparrots.org, a message from the group’s director says that Sept. 16, the day the birds were rescued, “was a day that changed the landscape of our rescue for the rest of our year as well as our staff.”

She said in the past three months, many of the birds have gone from “eerily silent” to singing and chatting due to the hard work and patience of the group’s staff and volunteers.

17 thoughts on “Update on Daniel Kopulos”

  1. Pingback: Update on Daniel Kopulos – nogaschambers

  2. Does anyone know the status of his court case and has this report about his Yonkers facility been reported to the police?

  3. I have just heard that a vet dr brown at Animal Medical Center in NYC 5/18/17 gave his # to a client. He comes to pick up the bird for a cheap health certificate.

      1. It means that Daniel Kopulos is still trying to remain professionally active in the bird business, and that there are apparently some people in the bird community who are willing to help him do so.

    1. Disgusting. He gets touted as this poor man suffering from depression and a big parrot lover. Ugh, greed..thats all he is about.

  4. He was sentenced to weekly therapy for two years, and if he stays out of trouble the charges will be dropped. And they didn’t even add that he can’t have exotic pets during this time. What is wrong with this judge!! Kopulos said he paid restitution to the town of Weston for the care of the birds. Well guess what…I can not speak for the reptile place but the RI Parrot Rescue was initially paid some funds right after taking in the parrots. Since then not one thin dime from the town! Oh sure they approved $15000.00 in December, that was never sent. These loving volunteers have all been working their butts off fundraising to keep the rescue going. They have depleted their bank account which was their down payment for a bigger facility. They are flat broke, and the emotional toll this has taken on them is tremendous. They also owe the vet who came from CT to examine and treat over 100 birds!
    In my opinion, this was not a hoarding case, it was a cruelty case. He knew exactly what he was doing. Breeding and selling rare birds for a profit.
    Disgusting outcome. But the birds are safe and happy.

  5. Hi Everyone,
    I was recently contacted by Daniel about a few tortoises I had available. Don’t know why but that name sounded familiar and when I did a search I found this post. I see that the latest update on Daniel is from April and wondering if anyone has any new info on him. Is he allowed to keep animals now? Well I guess according to the post by Jody they didn’t tell him that he cannot keep animals but I don’t want to send my animals to someone who is battling some demons. Does he still run a business where he can sell animals?

    Thanks for any feedback.

  6. Is there any update on this ? Has anyone found out if he is still in business??? Ive googled several times — if he is he must be doing it under the radar .
    I left a mssg w dr brown at AMc ( who has treated my parrot!) and she did not respond
    Can she be reported ?

  7. I had to let Daniel keep my Leachie gecko for 6 weeks (winter break) and just got my Leachie back few hours ago. And… my gecko lost 50g (140g to 90g) and I was so shocked. I thought I got a different leachie because it was too skinny. This evil is still doing a business and still doing an evil things to animals. Please do not use his business and warn other people not to use it. I am going to file a complaint possibly this week so that he can’t never do this kind of things again.

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