
Opinionated, Cynical and Sensitive!

Lies Our Government Tells about Wild Horses and Burros

There are too few wild horses and burros on our public lands, and unless their numbers grow, the survival of these special animals is in jeopardy. During the 1800’s, it is estimated that there were more than two million wild horses and burros roaming the West. These animals, along with countless wildlife species ranging from bison to wolves to prairie dogs, were the victims of ghastly extermination efforts, primarily to make way for private domestic livestock grazing. Today, there are fewer than 30,000 wild horses and burros remaining on millions of acres of our Western public lands. Tragically, the interests of these “living symbols of the historic and pioneer spirit of the West” are being forfeited for those of the livestock industry and other commercial operations.

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Saxen Rycroft and Shayden Young Beat a Coyote to Death

A Grande Prairie man who shared the video with CBC News said he reported the incident to RCMP and Alberta Fish and Wildlife. He asked CBC News to keep his name confidential.
He said the incident happened in Sexsmith over the weekend.
He described the video as grotesque and inhumane.
“Very disturbing,” he said. “That’s some very sociopathic behavior. It’s blatantly criminal.”
The man said he does not know the boys personally but felt compelled to report them. He said he hopes they are held accountable and “get some help.”
“I mean, just look at how disturbing that video is, especially when the coyote is sitting there with fear in its face and they zoom in on it and laugh.
“It’s just heart-wrenching and disturbing on two ends of the spectrum.
“No sane human would accept that.”

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