Child Rape

Michelle Martens watched and was sexually aroused as her 10-year-old daughter was raped, murdered, dismembered and burned

In August 2016 MONSTER Michelle Martens sat back and watched as her 10-year-old daughter Victoria was raped while she begged for mercy then killed and dismembered by her mom’s boyfriend Fabian Gonzales and his cousin, Jessica Kelley. Martens said she then had sex with Gonzales 20 minutes later. she also told police that she ‘liked watching Victoria being raped’ by her partner and Kelley.

Michelle Martens watched and was sexually aroused as her 10-year-old daughter was raped, murdered, dismembered and burned Read More »

The Worst-Case Of Child Abuse In US History

The thing [Stephanie Lopez]that gave birth to innocent little baby Brianna will be released from prison in a few weeks so I wanted everyone to remember what she did to her child. Brianna Mariah Lopez was tortured every day of her 5-month-old life and then she was murdered. Her mother Stephanie Lopez, father Andrew Walters, and Uncle Steven

The Worst-Case Of Child Abuse In US History Read More »