THE MONSTERS HERE ARE Judith Maribel Uriol Silva and Jonathan Ramos Torres, BOTH LIVE IN LIMA PERU.
These two teenagers had a lot of fun with this distressed dolphin on the beaches of Lima, and then uploaded the pictures on Facebook. It is unclear if the dolphin had died before reaching the beach, or passed away after being used as a toy by these unconscious people.
We can’t understand why these two would fail to alert the authorities and instead chose to harm the poor marine mammal.
The names of the two culprits are Judith Maribel Uriol Silva and Jonathan Ramos Torres. Both live in Lima, according to their Facebook accounts.
We ask Peru Police to investigate and prosecute these two for their heartless actions!
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Maybe the dolphin was dead already..
Would an empathetic person treat even a dead dolphin this way?
The guy is holding its mouth closed, it’s alive.
That dolphin is not dead you can clearly see when it’s being held up by that horrible girl it is reacting by curling up its tail. Either way what they are doing is despicable
I don’t know if the dolphin is alive or not. Someone could be holding it up by the tail, just out of shot. Seems like it would be too heavy for her to hold up by herself and the guy on the left is just holding the dolphin’s nose.
I abhor animal cruelty. Even if the dolphin was already dead I can’t understand why anyone would want to play around with it but there’s nothing cruel about playing with an already-dead animal. It might be weird, but it’s not cruel. I hope it was washed up on the beach and they didn’t make it suffer or kill it.
Lol You really are a close individual Max
Put them in jail and make them do hours of work at a shelter.
OMG! That poor young dolphin!!!
I hope the courts slammed her good for such cruelty!!!
Some people, I tell ya, have no respect at all!
And the gall to post it!!!
Wow…un-fricken-believable!!! :'(
Please sign the Petition :'(
This is horrible.
That’s disgusting! How could anyone do that to an animal.
Absolutely disgusting people, PROSECUTE these pathetic morons
not sure this is her but i searched fb for her and found this page. lives in lima and is smiling having a great night.
Nice website, Keep bring us great information, because I for one definitely appreciate it.
Prosecute them to the highest extent of the law. Dead or alive it’s wrong and cruel. They knew the difference between right and wrong. They have no remorse, they’re proud of themselves posting the photos as if to brag. Peru Police please arrest them asap if you haven’t already.
I would suggest NOT jumping to conclusions. This, apparently, is at San Pedro beach at Chiclayo, Peru where many, many dophins, sea-turtles and other marine life had been washed up ashore DEAD! Many, many people had swarmed there out of curiosity, then!
It is SOOOOO easy for a crowd to be swept up in a fervor of wrong conclusions and you may all be calling them horrible names wrongly.
And so that would make YOU the heartless assholes, yes??
LEARN from this!!!
Clearly not dead. If the dolphin was however, it is just as bad. Would straddle a dead body? If so, get help!
Christopher I don’t agree with you one bit You can clearly see the dolphin is still alive neither one of them have any respect for life they have already displayed their sociopath sadistic heartless serial killer abuser traits.
Can you point out in which one of those pictures the dolphin is dead? You’re all pissed off about something you know nothing about.
Ugly pathetic bastards!
It says ‘Prosecute Lima Teenagers’ but with what evidence. Four photographs that tells us that they were doing something to a dolphin. However, the photos do not tell us categorically that the dolphin was alive at the time. In essence, it wouldn’t stand up in court.
If I ever come across those pair so help me god!b
Where is petition? I want to sign!
It’s time for
People to realize they can’t treat animals this way. I am sick of seeing humans mistreat these poor animals
No. I live in San Diego and see stupid girls take pictures with dead seals constantly, do I go up to them and confiscate their phone? Not to mention my stupid ass friends who have on multiple occasions pulled DEAD ass seals from out of the ocean and tossed them at each other as they practically fell apart. If someone came up to our group at the beach and tried going animal rights mode on us they would have just been put in the dirt literally and figuratively. How can you critique someone who is doing a huge favor to the whole beach. Getting rid of the thing is better than swimming in dead seal juice, right? Seals are like, just as cool as dolphins and I think the image of the dolphin is just blinding people to the fact that DEAD ANIMALS DON’T FUCKING MATTER. GET RID OF THE ANIMAL CORPSES ON THE BEACH, NOT EVERYONE LIKES HANGING OUT IN AN AREA THAT SMELLS LIKE FLESH ROT.
Scumbags should be tortured n I’d happily be the 1 2 do it…lowlife trash..
What horrible monsters. Torturing that poor brilliant anima to death. That poor thing was smarter than those horrible bastards were. Now we get to torture them.
Sub-human filth. The world would be a healthier place without savages like that infesting it.
Cancer cannot come quickly enough to this pair of dirtbags