Punishment to fit the crime yet to be decided for ‘Roll on London’

NOVEMBER 15, 2013
[Re-blogged from  at Our Compass hope she doesn’t mind]



It was a chilling and egregious crime of animal cruelty that initially occurred in Northern California in August 2012 when the Del Norte County Shelter reached out for help from animal advocates for a puppy who was turned in with fractured bones to his front legs.

The young pit bull named London was rushed by Panda Paws Rescueto the Animal Care Clinic in Vancouver, Wash. where his x-rays revealed both legs and shoulders had been severely fractured and shattered; most likely the result of a fall from an elevated height. Adding to that were the severe burns on the pads of his paws left untreated for months, leading authorities to believe London had been left for an extended period of time on hot asphalt or cement.

The spunky little pooch, despite the gross inhumanities done to him, still wagged his tail and learned to motor around by scooting on his behind. London underwent surgery to remove his front legs and shoulders.

Read more about this story by clicking here.

Sarah Anderson and Zachary Hinton were arrested less than two weeks later for the heinous crime done to the defenseless puppy and charged with felony animal cruelty. The former owners pleaded no contest in court, however the Crescent City Police Department’s report indicated the puppy was slammed against the floor for chewing on the couch.

In October, Sarah Anderson was sentenced to three years probation and is not allowed to own or possess any pets during that period.

Zachary Hinton faces six months in jail, three years of probation and can be prohibited from owning any animals during the term of his probation, however a continuance on his sentencing was granted until Dec. 5, and animal advocates hope Hunter faces the maximum punishment for the cruelty done to London.

At the Dec. 5 sentencing, the human companion of London will be able to speak.

A Facebook page called Roll on London is asking animal lovers and humane advocates to respectfully contact the judge:

“Many people have asked about writing letters to the court, and now that there is a continuance until 12/5 for sentencing, I think it is a GREAT time for you to pen your polite but concerned thoughts and send them off to

ATTN: Judge Chris Doehl
Superior Court of California County of Del Norte
450 H Street, Room 209
Crescent City, CA 95531?

Please be sure to check out London’s photos on the slideshow. They will surely make you smile.


ATTN: Judge Chris Doehl
Superior Court of California County of Del Norte
450 H Street, Room 209
Crescent City, CA 95531


Dear Honorable Doehl,

I have learned of extremely disturbing and malicious cases of animal cruelty committed by Zachary Hinton and I am writing to express my support of sentencing this defendant to the maximum penalty allowed under the law. Zachary Hinton has committed deliberate and methodical abuse and torture on a dog in Northern California in August 2012. It is essential to recognize that Zachary Hinton decision to harm this gentle, innocent non-human animal, young pit bull named London, was premeditated as demonstrated by the chronicle of events.

When I try to imagine what possible motive animal abusers entertain for subjecting their animal victims to such malicious, heinous acts of brutality, I fail, but I am thankful for a lack of cognitive understanding and rationalization. To voluntarily engage in such malicious behaviour suggests sadistic tendencies, and Zachary Hinton’s actions, causing unmitigated pain and suffering, demonstrates his incontrovertible lack of morality regarding other living beings and a gross disrespect for the law. In fact, a person who shows such a remarkable lack of compassion towards non-human animals has the ability to show such indifference towards human animals. This link between animal and human abuse has been established, and if we excuse Mr. Hinton’s criminal behaviour, or agree to a lesser punishment, we only harm ourselves by unjustly nullifying cruelty as acceptable behaviour.

I am hoping that you will take an unyielding position against animal cruelty and hold Mr. Hinton accountable by sentencing him in accordance with the maximum penalty allowed. If the justice system does not administer the harshest penalty available, it is indeed excusing Mr. Hinton’s malicious behaviour towards sentient beings, and to excuse this type of sadistic cruelty harms all by disregarding the basic moral tenet of respecting life and appreciating the value of it. We need to teach our children that the law does not excuse, allow, or enable cruelty against human or non-human animals. We need to demonstrate in both word and action that the human essence of empathy does not exist to excuse maliciousness, it exists to provide compassion and justice to the brutalized and punishment to those who willingly deviate from this capacity. If we do not do our duty to provide this, we harm animals and invite injustice into our society.

I know your time is limited and I want to thank you for your attention and consideration to this urgent appeal.

to convince others that veganism is the only compassionate route to being an animal friend.

dear judge doehl,

my name is london,
such pain and suffering
no dog deserves.
it is up to you to see
that justice is served.
please send a message
make it loud and clear,
that animal cruelty
will not be tolerated

london and all the other londons out there

Karen Lyons Kalmenson


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