I knew it, I knew it, I knew it!!!!!!! i knew something was up with gardein Foods. About 6 months or so ago i was having trouble finding their Beefless Burgers, all i could find were these disgusting veggie patties made by the same company and my dog would not even eat them; so after calling the company and checking with all the stores no one could tell me why I could not find them so I started thinking that because they taste so much like meat and they make the best vegan hamburgers that the meat and dairy industry has done something to get these off the market as they are a threat to them! They can’t have vegan foods taste good then people might go vegan! At the time I didn’t tell anyone because it would be dismissed as a conspiracy, BUT LO AND BEHOLD LOOK WHO HAS ACQUIRED GARDEIN VEGAN FOOD COMPANY; PINNACLE FOODS. Lets have a look at what products Pinnacle produces:
Conflict of interest wouldn’t you say?
Gardein has always been Vegan, Non GMO and Organic what will become of this product now that it has been sold to the meat and dairy industry???
We need more vegans like you instead of phonies like Lindsay S. Nixon who dismisses those promoting GMO awareness in the vegan community as “nutritional elitists”.
Thank you! Lindsay S. Nixon should realize that there is nothing elite about not wanting poison hidden in your food.
People like Nixon want people to believe that anti-GMO activists have bastardized the vegan movement. If anything, people like Lindsay Nixon and the Unnatural Vegan are the ones who have turned the vegan movement into a joke.
Sometimes I wonder if Monsanto pays Lindsay Nixon and Swayze Foster (Unnatural Vegan) to act like retards in order to discredit veganism in general.