Please go here to sign the petition to have the cat taken away from this monstrous family:
According to a message published on Facebook, the woman placed the cat in the washing machine just to show her son what washing is all about. She also commented that probably the cat has six lives, so she will be just fine. I have attached the original photo below. You can sense that the woman is literally thrilled with her experience.
According to her profile (which she has deleted in the meantime, which is basically an admission of guilt) the 28-year-old Anabel Ojeda is from Mendoza, Argentina.
We call on the local authorities to launch an investigation as soon as possible. I respectfully ask the authorities to punish this woman and remove the cat from this sick family immediately! The kitten is not safe there and needs to find a new, loving family.
I will also translate the petition in Spanish, to make sure the authorities get the message.
Please act now and demand justice for that kitten! He has, in fact, only one life! Authorities need to apply the National Law no. 14.346 concerning the protection of animals! Thank you for your support!
The couple that put the cat in the washer both work here please contact their place of employement and let them know of your disappointment is their choice of employees
Sosa T. 10
San Martin,Mendoza, Arg.
(02623) 430319/297
Lun/Vie 8.30 a 22. Sab 8.30 a 21.30. Dom y fer 9 a 22
Playa: SI
The woman’s information:
Ojeda Anabel Noelia
CUIT: 27-31331580-6
Sexo: Femenino
Apellido y nombre: Ojeda Anabel Noelia
Fecha de nacimiento: 6 de mayo de 1986
Edad: 28 años
Localidad: Mendoza
Provincia: Mendoza
Código Postal: M5500
Otra dirección:
Mitre 431 Piso:00 Dpto:000, General San Mar
Nacionalidad Argentina tel (263) 442-7425 Ojeda Anabel Noelia
Ojeda Anabel Noelia
Tax ID number: 27-31331580-6.
Sex: Female
Last name and name: Ojeda Anabel Noelia
Date of birth: On 6 may 1986,
Age: 28 years
Location: Mendoza
Province: Mendoza
Post code:
M5 500
Supplementary data
One Direction:
MITRE 431 piso:00 Dpto:000, general San whether
Nationality Argentina Tel (263), 442-7425,
Fucking BITCH! I hope she drinks wet cement!!!!
I hope this bitch gets hit by a tractor trailer and dies
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whore piece of sh*t along with her scum husband.not only the cat needs to be taken.the child will become a psychopath,if it isn’t already too late having witnessed what his bitch turd mother & demon father did.why aren’t the people in this area outraged?why aren’t they delivering street justice before these sociopaths end up harming neighborhood children?take them to the Pampas & do something to them.
I love you 😉
i’m new to this website stuff. how do i follow you?& where? are you on wordpress too?
You don’t have to like cats, but respect them!
Horrible evil bitch love to get my hands on her take the child hes not safe
May Karma be swift for this evil bitch and may she never ever find peace ……………
Hija de la grandisima puta que te quemes en el infierno. Mande la a la carsel!
This is despicable. Her son is not safe with her. She needs to be punished and never allowed to have a furkid again! What a bitch!
Woman you r a f***ing moron. Not only should u b in jail, but u should lose custody of your child and b barred from being around animals.
Fucking sick bitch!! The have too beat fucking sick ass.
If a ever see you? Run for your life because I beat you too dead!!
You must be cracy your devil
It’s terrifying that such guys have children and can have more to teach them EVIL
I’m a dog lover! But would never harm or hurt any animal except this piece of scum so called woman.
It’s your turn to get the washing machine. I will help squeeze you in, you POS!
Stupid 3rd world cunt. Pathetic weak minded.
what does the “3rd world” thing has to do?
shes a monster and you are racist
This “woman” needs to have the cat and the child removed from her home. She is obviously evil and demented. She must be charged and jailed. Never allowed to own pet or child again.
Can someone please get an update on this despicable act of cruelty. As this story was January 2015. Please help with an answer ??????