Screven County Authorities Seeking Id of Man Who Violently Abused & Dumped Small Dog

****Anyone who might know the identification of the abuser is asked to please contact the Screven County Sheriff’s Office at 912-564-2013***

Description of Monster:

Witness reported that the MONSTER was

  • a black male,

  • possibly wearing an orange shirt.

  • driving a White Chevrolet Silverado with scratches on it.

On August 16, Screven Co Sheriff’s Office Deputy Marcus Helms responded to an incident at the dumpster at Farmdale Rd and Twin Oaks Rd in Sylvania. The witness, a teenage boy, reported that he observed an unknown man throw a small dog against the dumpster and kick the dog, before throwing her in the dumpster. The boy retrieved the dog from the dumpster and tried to give her some water. He noticed that she was bleeding from her mouth and called authorities.imagejpeg_1
Animal Control Officer Bobby Smith advised to contact the rescue organization FOSCA and that the dog needed medical attention. She was transported to Screven Veterinary Services, where Dr Pat Dyer examined and X-rayed her. He determined her to be an approximately 8 year-old Shih-Tzu mix, and observed 3 broken areas in her jaw. Due to the extensive surgery and care she needed, FOSCA transported the dog to Home For Good Dog Rescue.

Photo Credit: Bobby Smith Screven County Animal Control

Home For Good Dog Rescue took her to their veterinarian at Edgefield Veterinary Clinic, who stated that she needed surgery to stabilize the broken and fractured jaw. He also observed indication of previous injuries from long-term abuse. Unfortunately, she passed away during surgery on Friday.

Anyone who might know the identification of the abuser is asked to please contact the Screven County Sheriff’s Office at 912-564-2013.


Photo Credit: Dale Reddick, FOSCA


8 thoughts on “Screven County Authorities Seeking Id of Man Who Violently Abused & Dumped Small Dog”

  1. Thank you for bringing these evil monsters into the light. May this beautiful babie RIP and she will be in our hearts forever. Thank you to the kind humans that tried to save her and showed her love before she passed.


  2. Get this piece of shit and lock him up in a max security prison to be kicked around and never let me out or protect this scum! ????????????????????????

    1. What he really deserves is to land in general population, not security. There are reasons child abusers are segregated from the gen pop but not so animal abusers/killers. That’s because there are many, many inmates (for whatever their crime) would not tolerate child abuse…or animal abuse. When caught–and he will be caught!—may he pay the price.

    1. Truth Is Most Of Our Society Today Is Lacking Compassion And A HEART WITH LOVE & KINDNESS !!! It’s Getting Too Cruel For Words These Days SOmething Has To Give The Laws Need To Be Changed NOW !!!

      1. We definitely need federal laws to protect all animals as the level of horrific abuse is sky rocketing.There should also be an animal abuse registry in every state.

  3. Is there a way for us to post this info to our Facebook timeline?Thanks

    From: The Monsters Among Us To: Sent: Monday, August 22, 2016 9:32 PM Subject: [New post] Authorities Seeking Identification of Screven County Man Who Violently Abused & Dumped Small Dog #yiv7306534122 a:hover {color:red;}#yiv7306534122 a {text-decoration:none;color:#0088cc;}#yiv7306534122 a.yiv7306534122primaryactionlink:link, #yiv7306534122 a.yiv7306534122primaryactionlink:visited {background-color:#2585B2;color:#fff;}#yiv7306534122 a.yiv7306534122primaryactionlink:hover, #yiv7306534122 a.yiv7306534122primaryactionlink:active {background-color:#11729E;color:#fff;}#yiv7306534122 | Alafair posted: “Brooke Bowen Willis August 19, 2016Anyone who might know the identification of the abuser is asked to please contact the Screven County Sheriff’s Office at 912-564-2013Photo Credit: Dale Reddick, FOSCAOn August 16, Screven Co Sheriff’s Office Deput” | |

  4. I am signing to stop animal abuse its getting to far ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

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