Someone cut Malakai legs off $15,000 reward

I cannot not find any further information on this case, if anyone has an update please email me


Police question woman’s fiance regarding puppy who had his front paws cut off

A horrible discovery by a Jefferson, West Virginia woman on Tuesday has investigators searching for suspects. Today, Jessica Bennett, the woman who found her puppy mutilated, its front paws cut off, watched as her fiance was taken in for a polygraph test after blood was found inside the house. Bennett says it was hard to watch her fiance go with deputies today. She was still distraught over finding her two-year-old puppy on the back porch of the house on Tuesday, surrounded by blood, missing its front paws. Maliki, the puppy, made it upstairs on the front porch and tried going inside.

WCHS reports Wednesday afternoon, Kanawha County deputies were looking for more evidence in the home, when they found the blood. They told Bennett that they had enough evidence to take her fiance in and give him a polygraph test. They also found dog feces inside the house and have removed the children from the premises. The children are now with Bennett’s mother. Bennett’s landlord has been to the home and stated that in the six months the couple and the children lived in the house, they’ve ruined it and he is kicking them out.

About the gruesome discovery, Bennett said,

“we covered my dog up in a blanket and held him and told him we loved him and my husband carried him out to the car and they drove him to the vet.”

The puppy was rushed to Cross Lanes Veterinary Hospital, but the injuries were extensive and Maliki had lost too much blood. The puppy had to be euthanized due to the severity of its injuries. The news has disturbed many people in the neighborhood. Kanawha County deputies have not confirmed any additional information, however, it’s being reported that investigators are working rapidly to close the case and they may have a statement on the incident very shortly. Bennett does not believe her fiance had anything to do with the Maliki’s paws being cut off.


The Humane Society of the United States announced Thursday that its now offering a $15,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person and/or persons responsible for the incident.11391526_956523554368676_4085090152286962056_n

*****Please find who did this***** make this viral to catch the monster who did this!
Horrified family finds their dog mutilated hiding under front porch
source The Examiner
Rest in peace Malakai. Be the voice for those who cannot speak. Report animal cruelty.


In a despicable crime of animal torture and cruelty, a family in St. Albans, West Virginia has to deal with the death of their dog found hiding under the family’s front porch in a pool of blood, reports

On Tuesday evening, Jessica Bennett followed a trail of blood as she called out for her dog when she heard whimpering from underneath the porch. The dog finally was able to crawl out, but Bennett was shocked and devastated when she saw the dog’s two front paws had been cut off.

“I’m screaming hysterically. I just holler for my husband,” Bennett stated.

The family then called the police and wrapped their two-year-old dog named Malakai in a blanket and rushed her to the veterinarian. Because of the severity of the wounds, the family had to say their tearful goodbyes before Malakai was humanely euthanized.

Bennett believes the person responsible for the unbelievable cruelty lives in her neighborhood. She told authorities one of her neighbors had threatened to hurt her dog if her pet ever escaped from her yard again.

The Kanawha County Sheriff’s Office is investigating.

According to, Jessica wants answers.

“Who did this to my baby puppy? He didn’t deserve this. Now he’s gone,” cried Jessica.

Anyone with information is asked to call the Kanawha County Sheriff’s Office at 304-357-0169. Be the voice for those who cannot speak.

11 thoughts on “Someone cut Malakai legs off $15,000 reward”

  1. Judith Pannebaker

    I am a former resident of West Virginia and let me just say this: If the torturer of this little dog is identified and he is NOT prosecuted, a word of advice to that no-neck monster. Best beware, it takes a hillbilly to get a hillbilly.

  2. Judith Im so upset about this i just keep thinking of the family saying they heard whimpering under the porch, this was a neighbor that did this as their dog had been threatened by a neighbor in the past for going in their yard. This dog needs justice. How dare someone do this to him.

  3. Omg that’s horrible….I am so sorry. It’s hard to belive people would do that. I am in shock.thats just sick

  4. Judith Pannebaker

    I don’t understand this update. Law enforcement authorities have evidence that the fiancee of Malakai’s owner actually cut the dog’s paws? Who is the “husband” the woman referred to in her original statement?

  5. This stuff needs to stop! Until we start taking this kind of crime, animal cruelty, seriously this will continue !!! Let’s speak for these innocent victims !!!!

  6. How horrific! I cannot believe someone could be that cruel. If it was the woman’s fiancé (or husband), she had better kick him to the curb. He’s a sicko and might turn his cruelty to small children. They don’t seem to stop at animals when they are that cruel! Hope they lock him up and throw away the key!

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