Boxer puppy dies after Andrew Lacy Callaway stomped on his legs and hips

-HUMAN GARBAGE- Andrew Lacy Callaway 600 block of East Oak Street, Wylie, TX

Andrew Lacy Callaway, 27, was arrested Sunday on a charge of cruelty to nonlivestock animals. He was released from the Collin County jail after posting $15,000 bail later that day.

Police were called to the 600 block of East Oak Street on May 2 after several people reported seeing a man stomping on a puppy.
Officers seized the dog, a boxer named Diesel, and took him to the Wylie Animal Shelter for evaluation. 
The puppy underwent surgery Tuesday, but his injuries were too severe, police said.
Wylie city employees and volunteers had begun to call the pup Spirit.
“All those who had the opportunity to meet Spirit or hear his story mourn his passing,” Wylie police said in an email. Callaway has been arrested repeatedly on drug charges in Collin County since 2010, court records show. Some of the charges were dismissed; he was sentenced to probation or agreed to deferred adjudication on other charges.

If convicted of the animal-cruelty charge, Callaway faces 180 days to two years in state jail.

Some additionial information about Andrew Lacy Callaway: ID: 21308551


Height5? 9? (1.75 m)

Weight155 lb (70 kg)

Eye ColorBrown

Hair ColorBrown



EthnicityNon Hispanic

CellLower Level Booking

Arrest Date10/01/2012 [this is a listing for a previous arrest]

Release DateN/A

Days Confined1

SO Number233413

Emergency Contacts for :Andrew Lacy Callaway

  • Jack Henigan


Relationship Name
Brother/Step-Brother Callaway, Carter
Uncle Callaway, Ramon
Friend Chambers, Austin
Uncle Henigan, Jack
Aunt Rightmire, Deborah


Offense Degree FineAmt Costs Amount BondAmt Scheduled Release Date Hold Reason Issuing Authority Attorney Name
MAN DEL CS PG 3/4 <28G State Jail Felony $0.00 $0.00 $5,000.00 Local Warrant
POSS MARIJ >4OZ<=5LBS State Jail Felony $0.00 $0.00 $5,000.00 Local Warrant
MAN DEL CS PG 2 <1G State Jail Felony $0.00 $0.00 $5,000.00 Local Warrant
POSS CS PG 3 < 28G Class A Misdemeanor $0.00 $0.00 $1,000.00 Local Warrant
POSS MARIJ <2OZ Class B Misdemeanor $0.00

11 thoughts on “Boxer puppy dies after Andrew Lacy Callaway stomped on his legs and hips”

  1. POS SOCIOPATH! This has been featured on our local Dallas news. The pictures of that sweet puppy make me want to go on a killing spree. God have mercy on my soul.

  2. Give him 10 years minimum. He’s obviously a psychopath, he needs to be off the streets, and banned from having pets for life.

  3. It is just a matter of time before this offender is involved in more serious stuff.
    Serial rapists, murderers, arsonists, and child molesters all have the same thing in common.
    Each started out abusing defenseless animals.
    This criminal needs to be put away for life.
    There is no rehabilitation for him.
    The only way to protect society is to throw away the key.
    He is dangerous and will be in the news again one day.
    At that time, everyone will wring their hands and be asking why nothing was done to protect society from this creep.

  4. Unbelievable. Throwing around and stomping a boxer pup. Wonder what she did to piss this POS off? I’m a boxer mom and have always had a boxer. They are such a beautiful breed and easily trained. I hope and pray Bubba finds your skinny ass, behind those bars and stomps the sh*t outta’ ya. Rot in hell asshole. 180 years isn’t crap. Start giving these criminal animal abusers 20 years. Michael Vics time was petty and he gets to go make that money, playing football. Word has it that he has a dog. All his rescued dogs were adopted out in my state of MD. Animal Abusers do this because THEY CAN. Just like the bad police that used your dog as target practice. Judicial system is starting to award families who’s family pets were killed by the police alot of $$$. My 3 dogs have better health insurance than I do. They deserve better rights. What a creeper. Let me please get my hands around his skinny punkass neck.

  5. This no good for nothing needs the maximum sentence and longer in my opinion. I hope the judge is a dog mom or daddy too! I truly hope that he has to go to a prison and be put in a cell with a very large dog daddy, rehabilitation would likely be remembered rather than blown off by this animal, he is not human. Grrrrr. Come on Dog Daddy!

  6. He is a future serial killer. Serial killers all start out abusing animals. It is all about POWER. When they can hurt an animal or child and not feel an ounce of remorse they are essentially without any conscience. He needs to be locked up and never allowed to see the light of day, again. Unfortunately he has already gotten away with his first murder; of an innocent and beautiful puppy I am afraid his name will be in the papers again, some day; and not for any good reason.

  7. We need to Go back to the time when society dispensed justice. People such as him, those who walk into schools with guns and malice need to be strung up and lynched.

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