74 thoughts on “Citizens of the World, We are Anonymous. We are Legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us. #justiceforcaleb”

    1. So I’m wondering why they can’t find the “neigbor” who threw poor Caleb over. To me the very fact that they know it’s a neigbor is a pretty big clue. They need to investigate that neighbor neighbors.. Just saying #justiceforcaleb #madashell

      1. Good question. Has this woman been interviewed completely? She must know who it was otherwise she wouldn’t of known it was a neighbor.

  1. Yes yes yes…justice for Caleb…this horrific abuse shall not go unpunished and we’ll NEVER FORGET….RIP CALEB…WE WILL get this MONSTER!!

    1. j’espère que ce monstre sera GRAVEMENT PUNI, ce petit chien se saura jamais qu’il y a des hommes qui sont bons

  2. These people should have the same done to them! They are monsters and cowards!! Let’s get them and use NO COSTRAIN!!

  3. There has to be justice for this little puppy, and all the abused animals, but Caleb that little guy broke my heart when I heard what had happened to him, I have not stopped crying over that sweet little puppy, please please please get him justice.

  4. Thank you for all your doing I need your help I’m a victim if you see what is posted on my FB page or the updates on my go fund me you understand what I’m trying to acommplish we need to end this social injustice today

  5. Caleb you will forever be in my heart and thoughts! We will find the monster who did this to you and he will pay! RIP Caleb!! XOXO

    1. Whoever did this ought to be beaten within an inch of death, red hot pokers up arse, then start again, suffer long and lonely, let death be a welcome release!

  6. Please get justice for baby Caleb. An innocent beautiful baby who suffered so much at the hands of monsters. I cry every time I think of him and hear his cries on the video. I can’t begin to imagine such cruelty and sickness in a human being.

  7. I truly believe that since not enough is done to protect and punish.. There should be a over ruling by those who do this everyday!! Save , protect, rescue!! This is my dream!
    As I am disgusted, and sick of what goes on everyday … Everywhere to these innocents!!! Please , please find this person!! I pray!!

  8. I saw the story from @rescuedogsrockNYC on Instagram and I want to thank you for what you do, there is no justice if you look to the system to levy. I am so heartbroken, disgusted, sickened and angry about what happened to this dog. Someone knows something and they have to come forward. In Calebs short life he only knew abuse and pain the only bright spot is that in his final hours he hopefully knew love. I am just so upset by this. RIP sweet baby there will be justice for you.

  9. You will pay for hurting animals , children, and other human beings, and especially,the voiceless and innocent !!!!!!!

  10. ? correct way or not, this monsters choice, however there will be justice served – we will not let this unspeakable story of Caleb be forgotten – thanks to all who help – #justiceforcaleb –

  11. I only wish every horrific animal abuse story had your help! There are so many, literally all the time, that go unnoticed, underreported to the public. It’s emotionally exhausting once you start digging in, but I wish the public would wake up to what a widespread problem this is!! And what it says about members of our society! These monsters need to be stopped and held accountable for their sadistic acts, and sweet, innocent animals in our communities need to be respected and protected. I do what I can to help and spread awareness. Thank you SO much for your help – it could bring this issue to the forefront of the public’s mind – where it belongs!!

  12. I love that your org. is involved in this case. There is no place on earth for the monster or monsters who did this to hide. You will be found, and you will have to face us! The caring people who loved a pup known as “Caleb”.Thank You Anonymous.

  13. Someone saw Caleb being thrown over a fence so whose fence was it? Was it the house where Caleb or these bastards lived?

  14. kimberly A Lubeck

    How the hell can Celebs abuser NOT be found !! I just dont get it !! A man saw his neighbor throw poor Celeb over a fence !!!!

  15. I totally agree, find these people and make them pay for calebs death and the horrible torture this poor baby went through before giving up because of his pain. #justiceforcaleb

  16. One of the most horrid cases of animal abuse. I support justice for Caleb. I will never be able to erase the pictures of his abuse, his anguished screams. Find the monster……..

  17. Please anyone know something please speak up..This poor baby suffer so much. Please help us find the person or persons who did this,

  18. Yes, please go for animal abusers, expose them, make their lives as uncertain, painful and exposed to willfulness as the willfulness and pain they inflict on helpless, exposed living beings that are dependent on our care and compassion!

  19. As many hearts are heavy for Caleb, just being sad wont stop animal torture. Every state needs to take this more seriously. Every citizen is responsible for voting and lobbying for animal rights. Use social media and let it be the voice for the helpless. Make this epidemic known to all at national and international levels. Thank you.

  20. Caleb you will always remain in my heart. I never met you but your cries will never be forgotten in my heart. I wish I was there to love on you and tell you I am sorry. You should have only experienced love while your short time on earth. I am grateful that you received love until your last breath. Karma does not forget evil. RIP and run and play with all the babies at the rainbow. My Stumpy will play with you at the bridge.

  21. This article gives the womans name that found the puppy. She also mentions it’s the second puppy she found over her fence since 8 years ago. You can find her address pretty quickly. Odds are someone on her block is responsible. Could potentially be a kid/teenager. Didn’t want to dig too far but next step would be to do a criminal search and see if anyone in the area has any previous animal abuse or violent crime charges. Who ever is responsible needs caught.

    1. Frankly, I am surprised nobody has thought of this,or pursued this.
      Pretty obvious it’s someone close to her. Can’t help but wonder if she knows and just isn’t saying. Two puppies now? This woman needs to be looked at more closely. She knows much more than she’s saying. Caleb’s death should not be in vain. We cannot allow this to be swept under the rug. His cries of pain against the corner will haunt my dreams for a long time to come. I burst out crying every time I think of him. RIP sweet baby. We will love you forever.

  22. Any update in Caleb’s case? His abuser should be identified and caught before he will do it again. It’s been weeks now and I still can’t sleep Caleb’s cries still haunts me. This haunting will only stop when Caleb is given justice.

  23. – Hope you guys keep up a strong search for the monster – this should still be our number 1 thought, until monster is found, there is the threat of another attack, I have been reading on facebook, although nice – but not #1, people selling t shirts and setting up funds for other abused dogs on Calebs site, again nice, but monster still walks, lets concentrate on finding the monster, lets not forget why were here – Justice for Caleb #1 – then move on –

  24. Please help us to get Justice for beautiful, sweet baby Caleb. I wish from the bottom of my heart that SOB, SCUMBAG,MONSTER, EVIL who abused and killed that beautiful defend less and innocent little puppy to go to jail for the rest of his life and while there to be sexually abused, beaten and burned with cigarette every day and die in pain like little puppy Caleb!
    Thank you and GOD help you to find this evil monster and get justice for Caleb!

    1. j’espère que ce montre sera attrapé et paiera le prix pour ce qu’il a fait subir à ce petit chien.
      Ces images me hantent et je ne peux pas m’empecher de penser a Caleb

  25. 1) Caleb had been tortured for weeks. None heard his cries????

    2) The witness who saw Caleb been thrown over the fence, also saw the person who threw him over the fence.

    Caleb’s abuse took place near Murray St, SE Atlanta, GA 30315.

    1. I agree Danai and I truly pray Calebs story will not be forgotten, what Caleb went through in his short time in this life is a sin, and sins must be answered for, sins should also not be covered up – that is just adding to the original sin – please lets not give up – Justice for Caleb – I was wondering if Caleb has brothers or sisters, maybe if someone got a puppy around the same time as Caleb and looks like a sibling of Caleb, that person could come forward with info on where they got their dog ? also wondering if any local animal rescues could have someone put alot of posters, Calebs face and some info. of story, put posters in food stores, fences, light poles at intersections, someone knows something, we need to reach that someone, thanks to all doing something to help Caleb

  26. As a follow up if we can figure out who the neigbor is we can pull records for all the neighbors and attempt to do our own investigation. My gut says this is not the first time and won’t be the last. Thus truly breaks my heart and I am extremely upset. I want to help bring justice for this poor baby no matter what. Then they can take the 15,000 reward and help other Puppies or animals. This abuse needs to stop and Caleb is not going to die in vain.


  28. Please Anonymous, please, you wield great power that can be immensely helpful in the fight against animal abuse which comes in so many avenues. This poor dog Caleb is one of thousands, that suffer at the hands of evil humans. This cruelty is rampant worldwide and we who fight need lots of help. I am just one voice asking you to help in anyway you can. Thank you.

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